nothing could be further from the truth.とありますが、ここのthe truthの適訳をお願いします。
Most people think of mathematics as a very clean, exact subject. One learns at school to expect that if a mathematical problem can be stated succinctly, then it will probably have a short answer, often given by a simple formula. Those who continue with mathematics at university level, and particularly those who do research in the subject, soon discover that nothing could be further from the truth. For many problems it would be miraculous and totally unexpected if somebody were to find a precise formula for the solution; most of the time one must settle for a rough estimate instead.
* Timothy Gowers, Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction
nothing could be further from the truth.
つまりthe truthの適訳は正解を簡単な数式で表現することは不可能で粗い近似解で片付けているという「真実」です。
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