Our next exploration will be into the sizes of things. We shall discover something of the network of interrelationships between living things and the necessary aspects of environments that are life-supporting. This path will take us back in time to the origins of humanity; but, at the end of this road, we shall find unexpected clues about the origins of aesthetics, the haunting appeal of pictures and landscapes, and the importance of symmetry for living things. These insights will shed new light on our responses to modern computer-generated art, and will help us to appreciate what we require of man-made landscapes if they are to soothe or stimulate us. (The artful universe by J.D.Barrow)
最後のand will help us to appreciate what we require of man-made landscapes if they are to soothe or stimulate us.のところがよくわかりません。
1)what we require of man-made landscapesのrequire of は、「~に要求する」という意味にとるのでしょうか?それとも「~を必要とする」ですか?
2)if they are to soothe or stimulate usのtheyはman-made landscapesのことですか?
3)ここのwill help us to appreciate~they are to soothe or stimulate us.の部分を訳してみたのですが、
もし、人工風景が私たちをやわらげ、刺激するようであるならば、これらの洞察(These insights)は私たちが人工風景に要求すること(人工風景を必要とすること?)を高く評価することを助けるでしょう。
(These insights=we shall find unexpected clues about the origins of aesthetics, the haunting appeal of pictures and landscapes, and the importance of symmetry for living things.だと思いますが)