they throw at you
White CollarシリーズSeason 1 Episode 1 Pilotからのシーンです。
深夜、自宅居間でのFBI捜査官Peter Burgと妻Elizabethの会話です。
Elizabeth: Is he as smart as those Ivy League co-eds they throw at you?
Elizabethの言うheとは、このシリーズの主人公Neal Caffreyのことです。
また、Ivy League co-edsとは、Peterの高学歴の部下のことでしょうね。
“How many of you went to Harvard? Don't raise your hands. Don't.”
[質問] “they throw at you”はどういう意味ですか?
throw something at someoneは、「モノを誰かに投げる」ですが、ここでは、somethingがありません。
[出典] White Collar s01e01 Pilot (00:15:08)
Elizabeth: You coming to bed tonight?
Peter: Yeah. Ahh. Hmm.
Elizabeth: What's wrong?
Peter: Nothing.
Elizabeth: Don't tell me it's Neal Caffrey. I've been competing with him for three years.
Peter: He'd be out today.
Elizabeth: You considering his offer? Well, of course you are, or you'd be in bed with me.
Elizabeth: Can he help you find him?
注)Elizabethの言う”him”とは、the Dutchmanと言われる幻の犯罪者です。
Peter: Neal's smart. You know how much I like smart.
Elizabeth: Is he as smart as those Ivy League co-eds they throw at you?
Peter: He's almost as brilliant as the woman I married.
なるほど。よ~くわかりました。 あの会話の流れでは意訳せざるを得なかったのでしょうね。