Prince William and Kate Middleton: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Prince William and Kate Middleton have been given the titles Duke and Duchess of Cambridge by the queen.
Although Middleton is not officially a princess, she may be called Princess Catherine or Princess Kate.
The previous Duke of Cambridge, Prince Adolphus Frederick, married a commoner, causing the dukedom to become extinct.
Prince William and Kate Middleton got their first royal wedding from the queen: the titles Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Buckingham Palace said Friday that William is now His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, and that Miss Catherine
Middleton is now Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.
Because Middleton was not born royalty, she will not officially become Princess Catherine - although the public may choose to call her that, or even "Princess Kate," in defiance of royal protocol.
The second Duke of Cambridge, Prince Adolphus Frederick, was the seventh son of King George III. Defying the Royal Marriage
Act, he married his mistress, Sarah Louisa Fairbrother, an actress and a commoner, in 1847. Since the marriage wasn't legal,
his children were all illegitimate, and the dukedom became extinct on his death, in 1904.
ウィリアム王子とケート•ミドルトンは、女王に、初めての結婚式で、 ケンブリッジ公爵および公爵夫人(Duke and Duchess of Cambridge)の称号を与えられた。
バッキンガム宮殿は、金曜、ウィリアムは、今、ケンブリッジ公爵殿下(His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge)で、ミス キャサリーン•ミッドルトンは、ケンブリッジ公爵夫人殿下(Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge)であると発表した。
ミドルトンは王室出身ではないので、公式にはキャサリーン妃(Princess Catherine)には成らないが、一般にそう呼ぶことも出来るし、王室の礼式に反して「ケート妃」(Princess Kate)と呼んでも構わない。