Yeah, indeed (^^);
But honestly, I do think that I will look weird with longer hair (>_<)
Mullet was kinda the symbol of the crazy haircuts in the 1980s ww
But mullets attract some attention independently of their popularity w
Who knows w
Maybe we wouldn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend when we are able to see each other w
Maybe we can meet ourselves soon too!
Yeah, indeed.
Also, depending of the region, the floods here aren't really scary and nothing to really worry about.
Plus, I think it's more safer living in Japan than Brazil, even with the earthquakes, to be honest.
Now isn't raining here, but sky now is pretty cloudy ww
So, your supernatural powers aren't that powerful (=ω=) www
Not really afraid, but a bit bothered with them w
Specially that there an mobile phone tower close to my home which serves as a lightning rod too (>_<)
Springs are mostly hot and somehow they're not too much rainy like summer and autumn :3
Do you have cold springs there in Japan?
Yes, it's that incident. It occurred around 1996, if I'm remembering right.
People there even related that they found an alien too!
Indeed it's really an interesting incident ^^
You have indeed a good luck there (^^)
Plus, that photo make me wish more that I could be there enjoying the cherry blossoms :3