• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に訳してもらえませんか?)


  • 英語に訳してもらえませんか?長い髪のあなたも見てみたいわ。そのヘアスタイルは彼にとってトレードマークだったのね。ブラジルではよくマレットは流行ってるの?
  • ブラジルまでは遠いけど、直接あなたの目をみたいな。あなたの家は水があるところから遠いのね。洪水って魚も流れてくるの?w 洪水に見舞われている家って大変だね。
  • 何だか私に超能力でもあるのかしらw あなたのメールを見た時はいつも晴れるわw 雷の音って大好きよ♪ さすがに人間と猿は一緒には入らないよ。猿専用の温泉ね。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

I would like to see you with long hair. That hairstyle is his trademark, isn't it? Is mullet popular in Brazil? Though Brazil is far from Japan, I would like to see your eyes firsthand. Your place is far from areas that is likely to be affected by a flood, isn't it? When there's a flood, are fish drifted, too? w I am sorry for people who are hit by floods. I am wondering if I have supernatural power. w Whenever I read your e-mail, I have good weather. w I love roll of thunder. ♪ Just as you might expect, people and monkeys do not take a bath together. There's a special outdoor hot spring bath for monkeys. How cute! It may have been this. Is this girl among them? w Have you ever seen a UFO? Yeah, cherry blossoms are called "sakura"! Plum blossoms are called "ume" in Japanese. Plum blossoms are in full bloom now around my neighborhood!



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