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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:intoJapanese日本語へ願:Morals)
The Role of Morals in Fostering Loyalty to the Imperial System in Prewar Japan
- The main way of fostering loyalty to the Imperial system in prewar Japan was through morals instruction in primary education.
- However, this approach resulted in unquestioning obedience to authority.
- Given the historical context, it is important to leave this approach in the past.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
Indeed, the main way of fostering loyalty to the Imperial system in prewar Japan was through morals instruction in primary education. 実際のところ、戦前、皇室制度への忠誠心育成は、主に初等教育での道徳の授業を通じて行われていた。 Given the historical results due to its focus on unquestioning obedience to authority, that approach should be left in the past. それ(初等教育における道徳の授業)が権威に対する無条件の服従を強調していたことが歴史的にどんな結果をもたらしたかを思えば、そのようなやり方は、過去のものとして訣別しなければならない、
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