• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に訳してくださいませんか?お願いします!)


  • 私と一緒に暮らすことの苦痛
  • 浮気の感情をぬぐいきれない
  • 家族との幸せな未来への願い


  • ベストアンサー

多分こうですよ♪ Living together with you is pain. Although it has a feeling that it is not the true fickleness which you did, sweeping away the feeling that it is unpleasant cannot be finished. Being touched is also disagreeable and talking is even hot. I am the thought which is carrying out pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding and has deleted the life. It is the minimum to have said customs using much [ sometimes ] money which is Cuthah Cuthah soon after after the delivery, to have had a sex with some woman and to have enjoyed itself. Since it is what kind of feeling the side carried out becomes and the action which is not considered at all, I am sad. A life with the partner who does not regard me as important is only pain. It is desperate and bore your child. Although a child is loved by Naka of a warm home and should grow up, in what by which it does not come, family happiness cannot be very given. It was a dream that I have a busy home. For doing it although he believed and got married, there is a problem in you too much. It went berserk immediately, the life was also becoming untidy, and he is already tired. but if you can change me, the second person will want -- carrying out -- a family -- I would like to have a fun I would like to go to a camp by a family or to travel. There is also such a feeling. You consider the future, it is not only a mouth, and if it moves to action, an effort reregarded as your being earnest will be made. But now, it cannot live together. どうしましたか?大丈夫ですか?心配です。 aina19990723と申します。なんでも相談してくださいね。 色々な翻訳サイトを載せてあるサイトを載せておくので、そこでも調べておいてください。 お役に立てると嬉しいです♪ http://eigo.main.jp/oyaku/honyaku.html



ありがとうございます。 コンピューターの翻訳ですか?参考にさせていただきます。
