- ベストアンサー
・Whether we like it or not, the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years, and it is likely to change even more in the next hundred. ・Although the skillfulness and acts of courage of the immigrants - our ancestors - shaped the North American way of life, we sometimes take their contributions for granted. ・All writing that is not directly copied from another source is creative. A letter is creative. An advertising slogan is creative. Whatever goes through the mind of a human being and is altered by it is creative. ・The ozone layer over Europe is now dangerously thin, and over Australia holes have actually developed in it. This means that people will not be able to sit freely in the sun. In Britain, as everywhere, people are now saying: "Mother Earth needs our help!"
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
・ Whether we like it or not, the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years, and it is likely to change even more in the next hundred. 好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、我々が住む世界は、過去百年で大きく変化しました、そして、それは次の100年で一層変化しそうです。 ・ Although the skillfulness and acts of courage of the immigrants - our ancestors - shaped the North American way of life, we sometimes take their contributions for granted. 移民 ― すなわち、我々の先祖 ― の器用さや勇気ある行為が、北アメリカの生活様式を形づくりましたが、我々は、時々、彼らの貢献を当然のことと考えてしまいます。 ・ All writing that is not directly copied from another source is creative. A letter is creative. An advertising slogan is creative. Whatever goes through the mind of a human being and is altered by it is creative. 別の情報源から直接写し取られたのではないすべての文書は、創造的です。 手紙は創造的です。 広告のスローガンは創造的です。 人間の心(のフィルター)を通過して、それ(心)によって変えられているものは何でも、創造的なのです。 ・ The ozone layer over Europe is now dangerously thin, and over Australia holes have actually developed in it. This means that people will not be able to sit freely in the sun. In Britain, as everywhere, people are now saying: "Mother Earth needs our help!" ヨーロッパを覆うオゾン層は、現在危険なほど薄くなっています、そして、オーストラリアの上空では、オゾンホールは、実際、広がっています。 これは、人々が日なたに気ままに座ることができないことを意味します。 英国では、どの場所とも同様に、人々は現在、次のように言っています: 「母なる地球は、我々の助けを必要としています!」