The decline of hat-wearing by women and the custom of removing hats indoors.
The history of clip-on and screw-on ear decorations and the prevalence of pierced ear decorations.
The absence of identifiable ear ornaments in the Yayoi Period, possibly due to the use of perishable materials.
Now, however, it’s hard to know who the hostess is because almost no women wear hats any more. When a woman removed her hat indoors it meant that she was “relaxing”, and the custom was for her to keep her hat on unless her host asked if she would not be more comfortable without it. This custom, too, is no longer observed.
Clip-ons and screw-ons have been around since the seventeenth century, making them rather recent innovations. Previously, almost all ear decorations were of the pierced variety.
Coming to the Yayoi Period, however, there is nothing that can be identified as an ear ornament. It may be because ear ornaments were made of wood or bamboo such as is seen in Southeast Asia, and these materials did not survive the centuries.
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