• 締切済み


訳おねがいします The chief attraction slang has for people is novelty. It is fun to hear an idea phrased in a new, unusual way. But after hundreds of repetitions, the novelty wears off: the slang loses freshness and sparkle. The history of most slang expressions is that die an early death. (A)That is one reason why slang is often ineffective in speach and inappropriate in writing that is meant to last for some time. Then, too, a great many siang expressions are so general that they hardly have any meaning at all beyond a vague indication of approval or disapproval. Using such words adds no more to your speech or writing than dose calling everything you like "wonderful" and everything you dislike "awful". Words like "dreamy" and "crummy'' are slang of this kind and add little to style or meaning. Slang should be used with caution. A safe prescription is this: in conversation with friends, use it, but in small doses. Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. Never use it in formal speech or writing. If you read a great deal and listen with interest to the speech of people who use language well, you will gradually develop a reliable judgment about the appropriateness of slang. Then, when you feel sure a slang expression is effective, you will probably be right. 三段落目のmaking sure that の making の用法を教えて下さい。


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

http://okwave.jp/qa/q7509970.html http://okwave.jp/qa/q7509903.html に回答したものです。 >Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. 堅苦しくない文書では、一層、使用回数を減らしなさい、そして、必ず、あなたが使う言葉が、テーマにふさわしく、読者を困惑させないようにしなさい。 と訳しておきましたが、もう少し直訳に近く訳すと 堅苦しくない文書では、一層、使用回数を減らしなさい、そして、必ず、あなたが使うもの(言葉)が、テーマ(主題)にふさわしく、読者を困惑させないように計らいなさい。 ここでの making sure は、分詞構文で、 Use it even less frequently in informal writing, and make sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. の様に書くこともできます。そして、 make sure のここでの意味は、次の辞書の(5)の「必ず~するように計らう」の意味で用いられています。make sure の後に 「that 節」が続く用法は、これ以外に、(2)の「確かめる」と言う用法もあります。少し用法が多いので注意しておくとよいと思います。making を単独で論じるよりも、make sure の用法を確認しておく方がよいように思います。 ☆ Weblio英和和英辞典 * make sure http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/make+sure また、what you use は関係代名詞節で、「あなたが使うもの」が直訳ですが、つまりは、「あなたが使う俗語」のことです。making sure の後の that 節の主語になっています。続く述部は、is appropriate to the subject と will not annoy readers の2つあります。 それから、全訳はすでに回答した通りです。
