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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削をおねがいします)

How to Ensure Food Safety: A Comprehensive Approach

  • Food safety has become a pressing issue in today's society, and it is crucial for everyone to pay attention to what they eat.
  • Living alone poses challenges in maintaining a healthy diet, as convenience store meals often lack nutritional value and contain harmful additives.
  • To address this issue, society should encourage convenience stores to sell more nutritious and safe food options, ensuring that individuals can make healthy choices even when they are busy or living alone.


  • ベストアンサー

Today, the problems of food quality and safety have been in the news more [often] than before.<普通数の意識より頻度として意識されます.ニュースの内容について触れることで後の解決策につなぐヒントとなります.たとえば「食べ過ぎ」「浪費・無駄遣い」など.> As (you know,) eating is one of the most important habits in daily life, (so) I care about what I eat every day. Because I live with my family, my mother [and](or) I<正直にプライベートを明かす必要はありません.書きやすいようにつなげましょう.> can cook by [ourselves](her or myself). Thus, [we](I) can (eat)[choose] healthy food such as f[r](l)esh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish [for cooking].<eatの目的語がfresh vegetablesやfresh meatになるとウサギやライオンと同じですよ.> However, if I have to live alone, I should sometimes buy [prepared food](the meal) at [a](the) convenience store when I am busy and unable to cook.<mealは食事foodは食品> [And I am sure](In addition), this is the problem for people who live alone. Although a lot of convenience store[s] stand everywhere in (the city)[cities], most (of meals)[food] they sell are not [always] healthy, like high-calorie[d], salty, or including (high levels)[lots] of chemicals. <most of the... / most... / almost all the...間違えやすい>Eating (these)[such] food(s) (usually)[may] harm their health.<食の選択を問題点にすると個人の問題になるので難しそう.> (I suggest that society should make the convenience stores sell more healthy food if they make sure that we all eat good and healthy food.)<theyがsocietyなのかsotresか迷います.好みも含めて,カロリーや塩分は消費者が選ぶべきものだとすれば,現状の問題点が指摘されていないので解決策として未消化です.答えはたぶん食に対する消費者の教育にあるかと思いますがどうでしょう.> When they [do?] so, (even)[all the] people who live [with] themselves will be able to eat [food] safe(ty) and (be) more healthy.(183words) <素直に思いついたとおり文章を書けた点は評価しますが,「社会はどう関わるべきか」という課題があるので,この点から問題点,改善点を考えていった方が最後に悩まずにすんだと思います.結論があれば書きやすいものです.>



毎回丁寧に添削していただき本当にありがとうございます(*´∀`*) fleshとfreshの違い、御指摘いただくまで全く知りませんでした・・・ 論理展開の仕方もたいへん具体的でわかりやすいです(´;ω;`) 次から英作文を書くときにはアドバイス頂いた点に注意して 筋の通ったものになるよう意識してみます!
