• ベストアンサー
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Japanese Translation Practice with Multiple Choice Questions

  • Sarah is eagerly anticipating the release of a movie by her favorite director.
  • Peter was surprised by the unexpected change and asked his girlfriend for a loan.
  • Carol is angry because the jeans she bought have shrunk after just one wash.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1.Sarah is [a] big fan of the movie director. His latest work will be (b.released)next week, so she just can't wait. (a.assisted b.released c.constructed d.approached) サラはその映画監督の大ファンです。彼の最新作が来週リリースされます、それで、彼女はとにかく待ちきれません。 2.Peter was surprised that the change(→charge?) was higher than he had expected. He was (b.embarrassed), but couldn't help asking his girlfriend to lend him some money. (a.owned b.embarrassed c.removed d.enabled ) ピーターはその料金が思っていた以上に高いので驚きました。彼は恥ずかしかったのですが、ガールフレンドにいくらかお金を貸してくれるように頼まざるを得ませんでした。 3.Carol is angry because the jeans she bought last week have (a.shrunk)too much to wear after only one wash. (a.shrunk b.bothered c.attacked d.recovered) キャロルは怒っています、なぜならば、先週彼女が買ったジーンズは一度洗っただけで、あまりにも縮んでしまって履けなくなったからです。 4.David is going to take his son to the amusement park, because he happened to get two free (b.admission) tickets. (a.security b.admission c.continent d.baggage) デービッドは息子を遊園地に連れて行くつもりです、なぜならば、たまたま無料の入場券が2枚手に入ったからです。 5.Dick and I spent all our money for the (c.rent) of the studio for a month in order to practice our play for the festival. (a.resource b.attention c.rent d.creature ) ディックと私はそのフェスティバルでの私たちの劇を練習するために1ヶ月間そのスタジオを借りるのに有り金の全てを使いました。 6.Closer communication between teachers and parents will play an important (d.role) in solving the problems of bullying at school. (a.trial b.spirit c.research d.role ) 教師と保護者の緊密なコミュニケーションが、学校でのいじめ問題の解決に重要な役割を果たすでしょう。 7.Most of my friends like soccer, but the only (d.exception)is Dan, who has no general interest in sports. (a.pleasure b.sample c.pollution d.exception ) 私の友人のほとんどがサッカーが好きですが、唯一の例外はダンです、彼はスポーツに一般的な関心がありません。 8.A:What do you think is the most important thing for waste management? B:I think it's reducing the (amount) of waste. A:廃棄物管理にとって何が最も大切なことだと思いますか? B:廃棄物の量を減らすことだと思います。 9.The discount store attracts a lot [of] customers. It is known for its low prices and the wide (range) of goods. そのディスカウントストアは多くのお客を引き付けます。そこは、その低価格と幅広い品ぞろえで知られています。 10.Overfishing has driven a lot of species to the edge of (b.extinction). We may cease to eat some popular fish, such as tunas. (a.crime b.extinction c.experience d.impression ) 魚の乱獲は多くの種を絶滅の淵に追いやっています。私たちはマグロの様な人気のある魚を食べられなくなるかもしれません。



