The latter may result from "gene sharing", gene fusion and "exon shuffling".
After the run, the gel was "incubated"(生じる) in 0.1 M citrate buffer, pH 3.0 at 37 ℃ for 1 h followed by staining with ruthenium red (0.05 % w/v).
To elaborate and identify the nature of enzyme responsible for the chitosanolysis, the commercial purified purified pectinase from A. niger was "subjected to"(対象となる,しなければならない) further purification by PAGE, followed by "kinetic"(動的) study for both pectinase and chitosanase.
The "former"(作者,前者) was ruled out by adding chitooligomers, the products of chitosan depolymerization, to the reaction mixture, where no detedctable effect was found, suggesting the susceptibility of the enzyme to substrate inhibition.
"Charcoal-Celite"(活性炭セライト) chromatography of the alkaline supernatant gave a GlcN-rich oligomeric fraction in the water eluent "(F1)"(?), leaving behind the adsorbed GluNAc oligomers (F2) in the column, which were subsequently eluted with 60% aqueous ethanol.
Because of high salt content, the former was difficult to purify, whereas upon re-N-acetylation it could be easily "refractionated"(屈折?).
NALDI-TOF-MS analysis of F2 afforded a number of M+H+ and M+Na+ molecular ions which could be categorized into two groups "bases on"(基づく) their abundance (i) m/z 350-410.
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