教えてください wire の訳
下記の文は The Japan Times Weekly(May 10, 2003) 中のThe mountain without mercy の一部です。
Critics say many people on guided expeditions are climbers who have done the bulk of their training on Stair-Masters and treadmills rather than actual peaks.
“We’ve got the big E figured out, we’ve got it totally wired,” a guide told Jon Krakauer, who wrote Into Thin Air, an account of the worst accident on Everest in 1996 when eight people were killed by blizzards.
”I’m telling you, we’ve built a yellow brick road to the summit.”
3行目の we’ve got it totally wired, の wire のこの文中での的確な意味が辞書で見つけられませんでした。教えてください。
なるほど そういう印象があるんですねわかりやすい