• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語のスピーチ文(映画の感想))

映画『Freedom Writers』感想〜生徒たちの成長と人種問題に迫る作品〜

  • 映画『Freedom Writers』は、生徒たちの貧困や家庭内暴力、人種問題などアメリカの教育事情を描いた感動的な作品です。
  • 新任教師エリンを中心に、彼女が生徒たちの悩みと向き合い、変化を起こす姿勢に感動しました。彼女の献身的な指導によって、生徒たちは成長し、争いを無くすための解決策を見出していきます。
  • この映画は、人種問題や社会的な問題について考えさせられる作品でもあります。登場するキャラクターたちが抱える問題や悩みを通じて、人種問題について深く考えさせられます。


  • ベストアンサー

Today, I want to talk about the movie 'Freedom Writers', which I saw the other day. This movie picks up American problems in detail, such as students' poor life, domestic violence, racial antagonism, guns and drugs. It is a very intersting movie. A newly hired teacher, Erin of whom Hilary Wang is playing a role, is astonished by the environments of the students she is in charge of. But she does her best to save the students who are holding their own problems. Erin knew their circumstances and their background, made them understand each other, made trials and errors, and changed them little by little. By lessons which were not in the curriculum, Erin had a hard time in educating them earnestly though the movie shows only a light side, I imagine. I was really moved to know that we must do whatever we must, and that we should do the things we think right like this teacher. We can hardly increase time for students sacrificing our happy married life. I think that the students were happy to meet Erin, and I appreciate those who changed themselves. This is a movie which makes us consider what we should do to solve conflicts by picking up the troubles and worries of each character and stepping into the racial problems.

