1 道に500円落ちてたら絶対に拾うな、誰も周りにいなかったら今のオレなら拾うな。
If 500yen is on the road, I take it to my pocket abusolutely.And nobody is there ,I'll take even
10,000yen in my situation. But even those situation, I'll never 100,000yen take it to my
pocket,I'll go the police office. Maybe・・・・・・
2 嫁さんのリンパ浮腫の調子が悪くてまいったなぁ。
My wife had a uterine cancer's surgery about 6 years before,then she became an edema of
lymph. She is in bad shape. I feel sorry for her,but what can I do for her? I have no idea.
3 これが自由診療っていうんだから辛いよな、お金なんかないよ。
This kind of medical treatment is all individual payment.It's tough to us like have no much
4 考えてみれば、ここ何年間あんまりオレ達夫婦笑ったことないなぁ。
Think of our situation,we have not laugh for several years.
5 オレの辞書には明るい言葉は無い。
If I make a dictinary,it has no happy words.