• ベストアンサー


英文を見てください。口語体で友達に話すときのような感じの表現が知りたいです。 「彼ともう1ヶ月くらい会ってないの・・・いや、実際はこの前偶然(道端で)会って、それはすごく嬉しかったけど、2人とも急いでてゆっくり話せなかったの。彼から早く電話が来るといいな」 I haven't seen him for about a month... well, that's not really true. I actually got to run into him the other day, which I was really glad (about?), but we were both in a hurry and didn't have much time to talk. I'm hoping he will call me soon. ※特にwhich....の挿入部分が自信ないです。 「その日まさか彼に会うなんて思わなかった。もっとかわいい格好してるときならよかったんだけどな。だって部屋着みたいなのでちょっと買い物に出かけてただけだったんだもん。」 I never thought I would run into him that day. I wish I had been wearing a cute outfit. I just went out to run some errands and what I was wearing was(or is?) nothing more than home wear. よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

Gです。  つまり、日記に語りかけているような、という状況でいいのですね. では、書いてみますね. >「彼ともう1ヶ月くらい会ってないの・・・いや、実際はこの前偶然(道端で)会って、それはすごく嬉しかったけど、2人とも急いでてゆっくり話せなかったの。彼から早く電話が来るといいな」 I haven't seen him for about a month... well, that's not really true. I actually got to run into him the other day, which I was really glad (about?), but we were both in a hurry and didn't have much time to talk. I'm hoping he will call me soon. You know what? I have not had a chance to talk to him face to face for about a month.として、日本語の「会う」という表現と、seeの「会う・見かける」の違いをはっきりさせるために、ここでは、あって話していない、という言い方をしました.  これを、I have not had a chance to be with him for about a monthと言う言い方をして、彼と一緒にいた時が1ヶ月ほどない、という言い方も出来ますね. ここで、seeを使うと、分かる人は分かりますが、彼がどこかへ言っていて一ヶ月も見かけない、という意味にも取れます. 日記に語りかけているような状況でしたら、上の例文のように、もう少し具体的な言い方をしてもいいと思います. (もう少しきわどい関係であれば、I have not got his kiss for about a month!!なんて具体的にもいえることですね<g>) Well, that's not really true. (OKですね) I actually ran/bumped into him the other day and I was really happy/glad to see him. But, unfortunately both I and he were in a hurry and we could not have much time to talk to each other. I'm hoping he will call me soon! He will, right? >「その日まさか彼に会うなんて思わなかった。もっとかわいい格好してるときならよかったんだけどな。だって部屋着みたいなのでちょっと買い物に出かけてただけだったんだもん。」 I never thought I would run into him that day. I wish I had been wearing a cute outfit. I just went out to run some errands and what I was wearing was(or is?) nothing more than home wear. I really did not expect it would happen to me! I never thought I would run into him the other day. You know why I feel that way? Now I wish I had been in much cuter clothes/outfit! At that time, I just stepped outside to do some errands and I was wearing my simple dress!! That's all I had on!! 部屋着、というものはこちらにはありませんので、シンプルなドレス、という表現をしてしまいました. casual dress/clothesも使えますね. と言う事で、そんなに変える必要はなかったですね.  これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。




その他の回答 (5)

  • bartleby
  • ベストアンサー率32% (40/122)

面白いですね。このような会話の文章は英語が上手な日本人の方にとっても意外と難しいと思います。他の回答者の英訳を見て、特に感じました。 いかに自然な表現を使えるか、が勝負ですね。 添削するのは得意ではありませんが、取りあえず。 I haven't seen him for about a month...well, that's not really true. I did actually run into him the other day, which I was really glad about, but we were both in a hurry, and didn't have much time to talk. I'm hoping he'll call me soon. I never thought I'd run into him that day. I wish I had been wearing a nicer outfit. I'd just ran out to do a little shopping, and I just had on a grubby T-shirt and an old pair of jeans. 私なら、こんな感じにします。表現スタイルに対する好みの違いと考えてください。 I haven't seen him for maybe a month or so now...oh, wait, that's not exactly true. I did accidentally bump into him just recently, which was really great, but we couldn't talk much 'cos we were both in a hurry at that time. But I really hope that he'll call me soon. I couldn't believe that on that day we'd meet up like that. I wish I'd been looking a little nicer, though. I'd just stepped out to do a little shopping, and wasn't really dressed up at all.





>「彼ともう1ヶ月くらい会ってないの・・・ いや、実際はこの前偶然(道端で)会って、 それはすごく嬉しかったけど、 2人とも急いでてゆっくり話せなかったの。 彼から早く電話が来るといいな」 Guess who I came across? I met my ex for the first time in about one month. I was really surprised to see him on a street the other day, but I was all joy. The fact of the matter was that we both were in such a hurry that we had no time to catch up. I am hoping he will call me real soon. 原文を残すと言うことでしたら、 which以下の部分は、which was a nice thing for me. としたら、どうでしょうか。 got to run intoのgot toを削除し、ran into >「その日まさか彼に会うなんて思わなかった。 もっとかわいい格好してるときならよかったんだけどな。だって部屋着みたいなのでちょっと買い物に出かけてただけだったんだもん。」 Never did I dream that I barged into him the other day. I should have been dressed up. 'Cos I just went out shopping, and was dressed so lightly. 意訳調にしました。





It's alredy for about a month that I haven't see him...Well, exactly I did meet him by chance very lately on a street,and I was greatly happy,but we've got little time to chat with, 'coz we both were in a hurry. I'm looking forward to his call. It was unexpected that I met him. I regret that I wasn't wearing a cute dress. 'Coz I was dressed quite casually when I just popped out and went shopping. ガラリと変えてしまいましたが、どうでしょう?





sokrloveさんこんにちは。 ちょっとだけ補足させていただくと、#1の方も仰っているように、sokrloveさんが気にされているwhich以下の文は無理にwhichで続けずに、andなどで続けるか、もしくはその前で一度文章を終えてしまい、次の文章を『It was ~』などではじめてみてはいかがでしょうか?たいした補足でなくて申し訳ありません。




  • akdawn
  • ベストアンサー率48% (37/77)

よくできた英文だと思います。 意味が通じれば問題ないのでは? 参考までにちょっと訂正を加えてみました。 無理にwhichを使わなくてもよいのでは? I haven't seen him for about a month... well, that's not really true. I actually bumped into him the other day, and I was happy to see him, but we both were in a hurry and didn't have much time to talk. I'm hoping he will call me soon. I never expected to see him that day.I should have been dressed up more. I was just out to buy some stuff and I was in my room outfit.



