科学論文翻訳の添削のお願い その8
因みにA thin polymer membrane, nano-suit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum という論文です.
(1)The surface of this plasma-treated membrane was uniformly smooth, as observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Fig. 3C).
(1)プラズマ処理された薄膜の表面は 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)によって観察されたように均一に滑らかであった(図3c).
(2)TEM observations revealed a membrane thickness of ∼5 μm (Fig. 3D).
(4)Extreme environments include physical and geochemical extremes (e.g., temperature, radiation, pressure, desiccation, salinity, pH, or oxygen radicals).
(4) 物理的および地球化学的の極限(温度,照射,圧力,乾燥,塩分濃度,pH,あるいは酸素ラジカル)を含める究極の(極限)環境
(5)Water limitation is one of the harshest stressors, because water possesses many unique properties and plays an irreplaceable role in an organism.
(6)The greatly reduced pressure of high vacuum leads to dehydration.
(7)Until now, it has been believed that most multicellular organisms are only able to thrive under
atmospheric or higher-than-atmospheric, viz. deep-sea, pressures.
(8)The present study has shown that when Drosophila larvae were simply placed in the SEM sample chamber at a high vacuum level (10-5 to 10-7 Pa) without any exposure to the electron beam their structural features became badly disrupted and they died rapidly (Fig. 1H).
(8)本研究によると,ショウジョウバエの幼虫は,あらゆる 電子線ビームのそれらの構造的特徴 曝露なく 高真空レベル(10-5から10-7Pa)のSEMのサンプル室に造作なく置かれた
(9)However, after exposure to an electron beam or plasma irradiation, which induced the formation of a nano-suit, the animals continued to show spontaneous movements despite long exposures in high vacuo (Figs. 1C and 2C) and went on to develop into normal adults.
(9) しかしながら,電子線あるいはプラズマ照射(or電子線すなわちプラズマ照射)への曝露の後,ナノスーツの形成が誘発された.動物は高真空中にもかかわらず自然な動きを示し続け,しかも正常に成虫に成長した.
(10)The newly formed thin layer created by irradiation seems to cover the whole body as an external nano-suit, (Figs. 1E and 2E), which acts as a flexible barrier to the passage of gases and liquids and protects the organism under high vacuum.
(10) 外部ナノスーツとして全身を覆うために照射によりつくられたように思われる新制薄膜(図1Eおよび2E),そしてそれは,ガスおよび液体の通過に関するフレキシブルバリアとしての役目を果たす.また,高真空下の生物を保護する.
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