- ベストアンサー
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
【訂正】 It's been a long time. We are in a danger of being exposed to radiation released from the nuclear power plant. Our economy is facing a crisis too. Although we are fine and healthy at the moment, we might get cancer in as early as few years time. How are things your side? 久しぶり。私たちは今、原発が放出している放射線に被爆するという危機に瀕している。経済も危ないんだ。私たちはいま元気で健康だけど、数年後には癌になるかも知れないんだよ。君の方は調子どう? [注] 最後の一節ですが、日本で教える文法上は「How are things on your side?」となるかも知れませんが、実践的には "on" を抜かした方が滑らかな文になります(親しい人とやり取りしている場合)。
その他の回答 (1)
- cbm51910
- ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)
It's been a long time. We are in a state of risk regarding the nuclear power plant and radiation, not to mention the economy. Although we are fine and healthy at the moment, we might get cancer in a few years time at the earliest. How are things your side?