• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:いそぎでお願いします)


  • 彼との喧嘩で心配が生じ、彼に対する不安が募っています。
  • 冗談のつもりが無神経な一言を言ってしまい、彼から離れられてしまったのではないかと心配しています。
  • 彼が過去に私に隠していたことやそれに対する理解の努力をしているが、彼との関係が心離れしているのではないかと不安です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

jewelzさん、こんにちわ。 以下、意訳してみました。 尚、「もう過去をいつまでも引っ張り出したくない。これ以上言わない。」の後の、「ただあなたがおもうよりほか理解は大変だったし、いろいろな思いで私は苦しかった。」の部分は敢えて言う必要はないと思ったので(若干恩着せがましく聞こえるので)割愛しました。 せっかく良い関係を持たれているようなので、落ち着いて話し合ってみてください。 関係修復を祈っています。 ではでは。 I am very worried that because of what I had said, your feeling towards me may be falling apart, perhaps to the point of breaking up our relationship. I was just kidding when I said it, but I must and sincerely admit that what I said was extremely insensitive, if not unforgivable. I would like you to know that I did not mean it. How could I have been serious about what I had said? You said that, "I have just had higher expectations about you". Were you disappointed in me as your companion, or as a woman? I cannot understand your past, which you had been hiding from me. I also do not understand why you did so. But even if what you had done may have been wrong, I tried hard to convince myself that you had your reasons and that it had to be that way. So I stayed with you, because I loved you all the same. Surely what you had been hiding from me was no small matter. But I accepted it as a part of you. Anyway, I do not want to bring out the past because I believe it will never happen again. So I stop here. I am still beside you because I love you so much. But I realize that thinking about someone deeply does not necessarily reciprocate. Love is a chemistry and I understand that; one may suddenly lose a feeling for the other. Do you feel that way as a result of what I have done?
