Failure to Exercise and Eat Properly Can Be Harmful in Many Ways
Failure to exercise and eat properly can have harmful effects on your health. It can lead to a slow metabolism and make you more prone to getting colds.
In addition, overeating can cause weight gain and potentially lead to serious health issues. It's important to maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly to stay healthy.
Don't underestimate the importance of taking care of your body. By exercising and eating properly, you can prevent many health problems and improve your overall well-being.
自由英作文 添削 求める!
Failure to exercise and to eat properly can be harmful in many ways.
Failure to exercise and to eat properly can be harmful in many ways.
First, unless you exercise properly, your metabolism might not work well. Therfore, you will get colds easily.
Second, the more you overeat, the more weight you will gain. Increace of weight too much might lead to the death.
Thus, it is important for you to exercise and eat properly so that you maintain your good health.
Failure to exercise and to eat properly can be harmful in many ways.
It will lead to fatal vicious circle in your daily life. With less exercise
and improper diet, your metabolism works unhealthily. You will gain weight
and it will cause various diseases. So it is important to exercise and eat
properly so that you maintain good health.
[59 words]
Failure to exercise and to eat properly can be harmful in many ways.
If you don't exercise properly, it is said [that] your metabolism might not work well and that you will catch [a] cold easily / will be sick easily.
The more you eat, the more weight you will put on.
[Increase of weight / Overweight] might lead to heart disease, diabetes and so on.
So I think it is important for you to exercise and eat properly to keep yourself in good health.
あまり人さまの書いた英文の添削は得意ではありません。多少気になった部分に the more you overeat, Increase of weight too much 等は意味が重複している様に思いました。また質問者さんも指摘されているように、短い文章の中に First, Second の箇条書きや Therefore, Thus の様な硬い単語があって全体の印象が重いものになっているのではないかと思いました(それでも So でつなぐのは砕けすぎかも)。しかし、大学受験生に期待する文としては、6-7割はもらえるんではないでしょうか?また、自由英作の対策も帰国子女の皆さんはさておき、日本国内で勉強している高校生にとっては、最近あまり人気がありませんが、地味な和文英訳の参考書をしっかり勉強する時期だと思います。
Failure to exercise and to eat properly can be harmful in many ways.
First of all,if you don't do exercise properly, the metabolism wouldn't keep working well.Then that would cause a series of bad situation,like you could get cold easily and so on.
And second,the more you overeat,the more weight you will gain.And the thing that we know is that
fat is not good for people.while the weight keeps increasing,then it will be a big damage to your body.and may be death.
Thus, it is important for you to exercise and eat properly, so that you can keep a good health.
live a happy life everyday.
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