I would like to take the person to my grandmother's house in Kyoto.
There are two reasons for this. Firsrt ,she grows rice which is essential to Japanese food.
He can experience to produce it. I want him to eat delicious rice.
Second,she knows traditional Japanese play such as kendama,otedama,and
ayatori.We will enjoy them together.
I would like to take [them](the person) to my grandmother's house in Kyoto.
There are two reasons for this. Firs(r)t, she grows rice which is essential to Japanese food.
[They](He) can [have some] experience to produce it. I want [them](him) to eat delicious rice.
Second, she knows traditional Japanese play[s] such as kendama, otedama, and
ayatori. We will enjoy them together.
the personをせっかく使ったのですが,あとでheにしなければならないなら,the peopleも.
Good luck!
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