• ベストアンサー


英文にしてください。 先週末にスペイン料理を食べに行ったよ。パエリアめちゃおいしかった! あなたはパエリア作れる? 難しいのかな?  最近、友達の家でケーキを作ったりしてるんだけど、こないだはかぼちゃのタルトとチョコレートケーキを作ったの。なぜかチョコレートケーキはおいしくなかった。。。分量を間違えたかも。 ギプスがとれるまであともうちょっとだね。無理しないでね。 お願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

I went out to eat Spanish food last weekend. Paella was very good! Can you cook it? Is it difficult to make it? I have recently made cakes at my friend's house. And I tried pumpkin tart and chocolate cakes the other day. I don't know why, but the chocolate cakes weren't good. I might have put the wrong quantity of something in it. It won't be long until you can take a plaster off. Take care of yourself.

その他の回答 (2)


大分意訳ですが I had Spanish dishes last weekend. The Paella was really nice. Can you make it? Do you think it is hard to make it? These days I have made cakes with my friend. I made a pumpkin tart and chocolate cake in late time, but the chocolate cake was not good. I do knot know why, but I guess I had a mistake in quantity of ingredients. It will be soon to remove your cast. Take care of you.


I went to eat spanish food last weekend. The paella was really good. Can you cook paella? Is that a difficult thing to cook? Lately I cook cakes at my friend's home and I cooked pumpkin tarte and chocolate cake. But the chocolate cake wasn't good... Maybe I miss calculated some of the ingredients. Take care of yourself. You'll be out of your cast soon.
