- 締切済み
toeic練習問題です。なぜその答えになるのか、なぜ他の答えは間違いなのか教えてください。 (1)she forgot to attach the --- at the store to the claim from. A)issuing recipt B)recipt issued C)recipt issuing D)being issued (2)---- advantage of the storong yen,one in every eight women office workers plans to(省略) A)taking B)taken C) take D) took (3)---- support from his boss,Mr.Lee put forward his buyout scheme at the meeting. A)obtain B)obtained C)Being obtained D)Having obtained (4)we are interested inyour medical instruments and would appreciate ---- more infomation. A)to receive B)received C)receiving D)reception (5)He regretted ---- the lease without resding it carefully. A)having signed B)signed C)signature D)to sign 問題集には正解しか記載されておらず、イマイチ消化不良です。 恥を忍んでお聞きします。 よろしくお願いします。
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