While the enterprise may have a life of its own, its present health and future growth surely depend on the individuals who guide its activities. Just what, then are the functions of the executives responsible for the fortunes of the enterprise? They coordinate, appraise, and plan. They may, at the same time, do the actual buying, selling, advertising, accounting, manufacturing, engineering, or research, but in the modern enterprise the execution or carrying out of these functions is usually left to such employees as salesmen, buyers, production supervisors and foremen,, technicians, and designers. In many cases, the executive does not even personally supervise the working force but rather administers the duties of other executives. In planning and coordinating the work of subordinate managers or supervisors, he allocates tasks and makes available the necessary equipment, materials, and other physical resources necessary to carry out the various jobs, In appraising their activities, he must decide whether the employees or subordinate managers are handling their tasks satisfactorily. If not, he can take action by changing or bringing in new physical equipment and supplies, by transferring or shifting the personnel, or by expanding or cutting down available funds. Thus, the term, administration, as used here, includes executive action and orders as well as the decisions taken in coordinating, appraising, and planning the work of the enterprise and in allocating its resources.
いただいた最終訳案について、文法的にも物理学的にも問題はないと思いますが、もう一つの候補である「定量化」「定数化」案も棄てられません。どちらも、意訳の領域に入っていますので、ネイテブはこの単語をどんな感覚で使っているのか、掲示板で聞いてみました。下記がその返事です。これによると、「摩擦係数は数値化されてきた」あるいは「求められてきた」あたりでしょうか。なかなか簡単でないことが分かりました。いろいろアドバイスいただき参考になりました、ありがとうございます。 The word "equate" does not always indicate an equal comparison, as you have already discovered. You were on the right track when you said the word "formula." If you use the word correctly "equate" can mean "figures out to." Now, a logical equation is difficult than a mathematical equation in that you can conclude something without both ends of the sentence having equal things on both sides. It's rather difficult to explain...