• 締切済み


これらの訳を教えてください。 Materials List: One sheet of 0.025 gauge aluminum or stainless steel* One piece 1-1/4 inch O.D. (or 1-1/2 inch O.D. if you've got a large male organ) straight PVC drain pipe One roll 1-1/4 inch wide steel "tie-down" banding conforming to ASTM Standard D3953 Three 1/8-inch (3 mm) stainless steel "Quick Links" Two Stanley 2-1/2 inch Safety Hasps (Reorder No. 81-1700) for cylindrical mounting posts Four foot long chrome chain lead for large dogs Six #8 x 32 TPI stainless steel roundhead machine screws with washers and nuts Two #8 x 32 TPI stainless steel flathead machine screws with washers and nuts One roll of 2-1/2 inch wide black rubber garage door weather strip Epoxy Weather strip adhesive Discarded nylon stocking Note: You can purchase most of the above materials at a hardware/building materials store such as Lowes and your friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart. Recommended Tools: Tin shears Hack Saw Electric drill with 3/16-inch and 7/16 inch drill bits Rat Tail (round) file Flat metal file Screwdriver Small adjustable crescent wrench Hammer Metal punch or nail Fine sandpaper Clothespins (for clamping) Cloth tape measure Ruler Very fine point "Sharpie" permanent marking pen よろしくお願いします。


  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

高校生なら、背中を押してあげるから自分でも努力しましょうよ。 Materials List:素材一覧 少なくとも「Screwdriver」「Hammer」「Ruler」は、すぐに調べられるでしょ。

