(1) ひとつの文章は短く。
(2) 最初に一番大事なこと、すなわち結論を書く。 次に理由とか、詳細を書く。 兎に角英語の文章は《最穂に結論ありき》です。 そして、最後に全体を総括する。
(3) 文章の3C(clear-cut, compact, constructive)を念頭に入れる。(わかりやすい理論構成、短い文章、建設的な内容)
(4) 文頭に来る接続語や副詞を上手に使いこなす。 (but, although, thus, hence, accordingly, incidentally, in spite of, nevertheless, meanwhile, by the way, unless, uch being the situation, moreover, などなど)
I have been to the United States several times mainly for sight seeing. I was there first in 1998 for a school home stay program. At that time, I stayed in Springfield in Illinois. Chicago, the third largest city in US is just 50 km away from this town.
It was something strange for me to know that this small local city is the capitol of the state and the largest city Chicago was not. Although I asked the reason to my host parent but I could not get the good understanding to it.
My second visit to US was in 2004. I made a travel in the west coast and I went to Seattle to watch MLB game in the Safco Field between Mariners and Yankees. Ichiro played for Mariners and Hideki Matui did for Yankees. Of course, I went to the Disneyland and enjoyed it very much.
My last one was last month. I went to Springfield again to attend the wedding ceremony for Cathy, my host family in 1998. She was very beautiful and looked exceedingly happy. Her husband is a high school teacher of math. I made a speech at their reception party held at a church hall. I sang a Japanese pop song for them with a guitar. I hope I could make them happy with my song.
After the party, Cathy came to me with her kiss and tears.
In conclusion, I like US very much. I like the people there. Moreover, I like American culture very much. Thank you.
300語と言えば、これくらいの文章は書けると思います。 あまり気張らずに、楽な気持ちで思っていることを書けば良いのです。
私はこれまで英語の手紙や報告書を二万通書いて来ました。 やさしく書くことが一番むつかしい。 これが出来たら、達人です。 がんばって。
とても詳しくありがとうございます! 参考にさせていただきます。 ご解答ありがとうございました