こんにちは、duosonic です。もしやこれは、先週?の「emu_7の青春~テニス部編」ですね?! お名前を覚えていました!
>>At first, I wanted more holidays, but I became uneasy when I didn’t practice.
>At first I had longed for more days off, but gradually I started to feel uneasy without going to training and practice.
、、、long for=~を切望する。holiday は「旗日」なので、day off「休みの日」が良いかも。
>>Sometimes I wanted to leave the club because I had to have practiced hard and I wanted to study too.
>I sometimes seriously thought about quitting the club because it (gradually) became quite hard for me to keep up with both club activities and study.
、、、keep up with =遅れを取らないように~ にしがみ付く。
>>But I loved members of the club, I enjoyed talking about trivial things with them, and I still wanted to play tennis.
So I couldn't leave the club.
>Nonetheless, I very much liked all members of the club, enjoyed chatting with them, and above all wanted to play tennis. Therefore I just could not bring myself to quit.
、、、この場合はloveでなくてlikeが良いかな。chat=おしゃべりする。cannot ~ bring myself to~=どうしても~することができない。
>>Two seniors advanced to the competition.
>Two senior members from our high school's club advanced to the ○○ tournament.
、、、junior - seniorで良いと思います。from~ としておけば紛れもないですよね。competition でも良いですけど、スポーツで一般的なのは tournament でしょうかね。
>>The ○○ competition was a dream for me by then. But from then on I thought that I might be able to advance to the ○○ competition if I would do my best.
>Until then, playing in the ○○ tournament had been just a dream for me. But since then I realized it just might be possible even for me to participate in the ○○ tournament if I gave my very best.
、、、それまで~ は過去完了かな。
>>But we were happiest that one senior cried for joy.
>The happiest event for us, however, was to see one of the seniors wept with joy.
、、、cry=わんわん泣く。weep with joy 嬉し涙を見せる
>>I thought it might be useful that we went to high school in the early morning and practiced before practice.
>I supposed that going to the school's tennis field early in the morning every day for voluntary practices before regular practice sessions began finally paid off.
、、、ちょっと長い主語だけども「paid off=(努力が)実る、奏功する」を使いたいところですね。
>Thank you very much for your listening (to my story). が一般的だと思いますよ。
ありがとうございます! は、恥ずかしながら…(笑)前回は大切なもの、今回は高校時代のことというテーマで課題が出まして。違う先生なんですけれども。 部活のことしか話すことがありません、私の場合(笑) 今回もご丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました!! それで質問なのですが、他にも"休み"という表現を何度か使っていて、例えば、 8.夏休みと春休みは2、3日しか休みがなかった。 We had two or three holidays during summer and spring vacation every year. 9.でも冬休みは10日くらいあった。 But in winter vacation, we could take about ten holidays. みたいなのも、holidaysではなくdays offの方がいいということでしょうか? …というか、この2文もお時間ありましたら見て頂けると嬉しいです^^;