• 締切済み

~しはすまいかと ~するといけないから

~しはすまいかと ~するといけないからのニュアンスを伝えたいときに、辞書には色々な言い方がのっていますが、それらをそのまま自分の 伝えたい文章に当てはめても、ネイティブの方には変に響くようです。 We left that place for fear that someone should see us. Make a note of it in order not to forget it I was anxious that I lost my money We left that place for fear that I should not wake her I was afraid that my airplane will crash I was afraid that a ghost would come I was afraid that I would be delayed in my work これらの中にはまーまーのも全然ダメなのもあるようで、使い方、 自然な表現がわかりません。また回避したい内用によってもfearはダメとかanxiousはダメとかconcernを使うとかあるようで、何か良い解決方法がありましたら おしえてください。


  • Faumdano
  • ベストアンサー率33% (16/48)

英語母語話者で、buntan109さんが書いた文章はあまり不自然じゃいないと感じますけど、私なら、普通以下のように言います We left that place for fear that someone should see us. → We left (that place) for fear that someone might/would see us. Make a note of it in order not to forget it → Make a note of it so as not to forget (it) I was anxious that I lost my money → I was anxious (that) I had lost the/my money We left that place for fear that I should not wake her → We left fearing (that) we might/would wake her I was afraid that my airplane will crash → I was afraid (that) the/my plane might/would crash I was afraid that a ghost would come → I was afraid (that) a ghost would appear (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collocation) I was afraid that I would be delayed in my work → I was afraid (that) my work would be delayed



遅くなりましたがご回答ありがとうございます。 やはり感覚的なものなのですね。 多くの例文に触れて、つかみたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。


We left that place so as not to be seen by anyone. Make a note just in case. I was concerned if I would loose my money. We left that place so as not to wake her. I was afraid that the airplane might crash. I was afraid of ghosts. I was afraid of not being on time for work. I was concerned I might lag behind in my work. 上記をネイティブに見せて評価が下がったらごめんなさい。



こんにちは、いつもご解答ありがとうございます。 ただ、私にはseegrammarさんがどう感じられてこの文章をえらばれたのか、よくわかりません。何か基準があるのでしょうか。 それを知りたく思います。 ネイティブの感覚と言われればそれまでですが・・・ でもありがとうございます。

