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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語を英語に訳して下さい>×<(長いです))

手紙を送りたい The Egglestone familyへ

  • 2004年4月から2ヶ月間ホームステイさせて頂いたSoraです。お世話になったのに1度も連絡もなくごめんなさい。最近家の整理をしていた所、Egglestoneさんの住所がでてきました。住所を控えていたとは思ってもいなかったので、とてもうれしくて手紙を書きました。
  • 5年も経つのに鮮明に覚えています。あの頃は本当に英語がしゃべれなくて、なかなかコミュニケーションが取れない私を暖かく迎えてくれて嬉しかったです。Brentonのバスケを観に行ったり、みんなと庭でバスケをしたり、夕食のラザニアもおいしかった。なつかしーなー。
  • そーいえば、Kevinにも会いました。3回ほどしか会ってないのですが彼はとても親切でよくしてくれました。彼は元気ですか?彼の住所も控えてあったので手紙を送りたいと思います。(Kevinの住所)←で合っていますか?メルボルンが恋しいです。また会える日を楽しみにしています。お元気で。Sora


  • ベストアンサー

It is after a long absence to all of The Egglestone family. Will you remember it? It is Sora which it stayed with now for two months from April, 2004 around 5 years ago. Though I was taken care of, I'm sorry without communication once. I arranged the house, and an address of Egglestone appeared recently. Because I did not think that I had the address, I wrote a letter very for joy. Are all of you well? Do you still play basketball, the football? I was 18 years old in those days, but become 23 years old by this year. I remember it clearly to pass for five years. English cannot really talk in those days and I welcomed me who cannot readily take communication and was glad. I went to watch basketball of Brenton and did basketball in all and a garden, and the lasagna of the supper was delicious. I miss you. That reminds me I encountered Kevin. I did not meet, but I was very kind, and he made only three times better. How is he? Because his address was had, I want to send a letter. (An address of Kevin)←Do you appear? I yearn for Melbourne. I look forward to a day to see again. Take care Sora いい手紙が書けると良いですね^^





その他の回答 (1)

  • good23
  • ベストアンサー率24% (62/251)

まず 自分でできる箇所について英訳をしてから、質問されると 印象が良くなるでしょう。



確かに!御もっともです。 Dear the Egglestone family It's been a long time. This is Sora who stayed with your family for two months in April of 2004 around five years ago. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner even though lots of things you did and supported me all the time during my stay. A few days ago when I cleaned up my room, I found your address.I thought I didn't write down it, so(とても嬉しくて手紙を書きました)←この部分の英文がわかりません。 How have you been? I hope all of you are fine. Do you still play basketball and football? I was 18 years old at that time but I turned 23 this year. then I couldn't speak English well and communicate but you warmly welcomed me. I was so happy.(日本語のコミュニケーションとcommunicationは同じ意味ですか?辞書を見ても「伝える」と出てきていまいちわかりません) I watched the basketball game that Brenton was playing, played basketball in the garden and had great dinner. I remember clearly the direction from Oak park st to your house. I'm missing you. By the way, I met Kevin too. He was very kind though we met each other only 3 times. How is he? I found an addres of his, so I'd like to write him too.(彼の住所)is this correct? I'm missing you and Melbourne so much. I'm looking for seenig again. Love Sora *覚えていますかの意味でdo you remember meを使うのは失礼にあたるのでしょうか?教えて下さい。

