Individual wind turbines and even whole wind farms remain at the mercy of local weather for how much electricity they can generate. But researchers have confirmed that linking up such farms along the entire U.S. East Coast could provide a surprisingly consistent source of power. In fact, such a setup could someday replace much of the region's existing generating capacity, which is based on coal, natural gas, nuclear reactors, and oil.
In terms of potential, wind-energy resources are tremendous. One estimate puts it at nearly five times as much as the world's entire existing electricity demand. And for environmentalists and anticarbon advocates, wind offers an energy source that does not require drilling, mining, or enriched uranium?and its carbon footprint is essentially zero.
But wind is erratic. A region might get gale-force winds one day and dead calm the next. To balance things out, engineers have proposed linking up wind farms to take advantage of wind variability across a wider area. But until now, no one had ever quantified whether meteorological conditions would justify such a linkup.
ghostbuster さん、とっても丁寧にありがとう! (ちなみに私もその映画好きでした。シガニーウィーバーはエイリアンでさきに知ったので、シガニーは好きだったのにその映画でちょっとがっかりしました) わたしはちょっと違うことを想像していました。 風=陰鬱な嵐が丘の風 one tree=ヘアトン another=自分自身(ヒースクリフ) 歪んだ=性格の歪み 皆さんのご意見はどうですか?