In the box below, the words queue up in clicked order. Please use the "Clear" button if you wanted to do the same quiz again. One of those two hints is the capital letter for the first, and another is a period for the last. This quiz is set at random. However, it has no ending. So you can finish it anytime when you want to leave.
From the choices below, please choose a suitable word as a meaning of the English word above and click it. If you chose a wrong word, soon, you will find the msg box that appeared to inform you of the correct answer. You can check your score and all the correct answers every time you have finished answering the ten questions.
the words queue up in clicked order
queue upは、何となく何かを待つために列を成すイメージになってしまう気がするので、「文字が並ぶ」と言葉通りに訳すより、
please click the words one by one. the words will appear in the box below in order of your choice.
if you wanted to do the same quiz again
過去形でなく、want toと現在形がよいです。quizに挑戦すると言う意味でtry the same quiz again/one more timeと使う方がしっくり来ると思います。
One of those two hints
こう書くよりも、There are two hints.として、one is ~ and the other is ~と併記したほうが良いのではないでしょうか?
the capital letter for the firstは、最初に来る単語の最初のアルファベットがボックスの中にすでに見えている、と言う事ですか?その場合、
you will see the initial letter of the first wordなどと言った方が判りやすそうです。
period for the lastはどのようなヒントなのかちょっと判らないので、そのままで・・・。
However, it has no ending. So you can finish it anytime when you want to leave.
最初のhoweverは必要ない気がします。endingよりもendという単語を使うほうが、この場合適切な感じがするのですが、一応辞書の例文などを見てご判断下さい。soで文章を始めずにandで続けるのがいいと思います。または、this quiz has no end. you can~と別の文しても良いかと。
anytime when はwhenを省略するか、whenever you want toとするのが適切と思います。
2. a suitable word as a meaning of the English word above
among ○○(選択肢の数)words below, click the synonym of the English word above.
If you click the wrong word, the message pops out and shows you the correct answer.
メッセージボックスが画面上にポンと出てくるイメージならpop upを使いますがいかがでしょう?
You can check your score and all the correct answers every time you have finished answering the ten questions.
every time~の後は、every ten questionsとまとめて言えますが。