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Darwin's Origin of Species: A Victorian Novel filled with Literary Allusions
- In her book Darwin's Plots, Gillian Beer argues that Darwin's Origin of Species is not only filled with literary allusions but also resembles a Victorian novel in its construction.
- The book is filled with literary allusions, such as references to Milton's Paradise Lost, and it employs metaphorical language similar to that used by poets like Wordsworth.
- Beer suggests that Darwin's use of literary techniques in his scientific work reveals his deep engagement with literature and his ability to construct his scientific arguments in a creative and compelling manner.
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御指摘有難う御座います。 英語が苦手で、生物についての本もまともに読めず・・・; アドバイスまでしていただき、次からはきちんと訳せるよう努力します。 参考にさせて頂きます。 本当に有難う御座いました。