訳の添削とわからない個所について 1
John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語の英文を訳しました。
It had declined him for years, but, even before a long illness ousted him in favour of younger men, he had felt very severely the palpable difference in things.
内容からa long illness のような気がするのですが、
It had declined him for years, but, even before a long illness ousted him と
Itの後にa long illnessが出てくるので、わからない感じです。
But he was a great sufferer from a variety of ailments. He had gout, and some trouble in his side, and feet that were like barometers in their susceptibility to weather. Of all these matters he would speak to us in a very impersonal and uncomplaining way, diagnosing himself, as it were, for the benefit of his listeners. He was, it seems, alone in the world, not having of course at that time anything to look forward to in the way of a pension, nor, one fancies, very much to look back on except the death of his near relatives and the decline of the plumbing trade.