(Dear Cany で書き始めると良いと思います)
I have heard that living in the different language and environment is a very tough experience for the first several months (to get homesick occasionally), but once going through this period, everything will be a bit easier. My daughter is writing to us that she is doing fine and enjoying her life there, and I hope she will be better soon.
She loves egg menus and can cook herself. But I feel she will be very happy if she can share her favorite menu with your family. I would like to send some recipe so that you can share the taste together with my daughter.
Finally, I would like to thank you so much as you are working a lot for my dauthter.
I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation for your kindness now and in the future.
(以上で 娘 を Daughter と訳しましたが、お嬢様の英語での呼び名にした方が良いと思います)
余計かもしれませんが、お嬢様はご家族に心配をかけまいと 元気だという手紙を書いていますが、実際は少し参っている部分もあり、それをHost Motherが心配してくれているような気がします。
とても親切なHost Motherのようなので、ここは遠慮なしに彼女に甘えてしまった方が良い結果になると思います。(当然ですが、その分お礼はきっちりと) 言葉なんか通じなくても一生の友達になる価値もある相手なのではないでしょうか。