• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:急ぎです!英訳お願いします。)


  • カナダのホームステイやルームシェアのビジネス事情について紹介します。
  • カナダでは留学生の多くがホームステイやルームシェアをしており、異文化体験として楽しむことができます。
  • カナダのシェアハウスではオーナーと直接交渉し、ルームシェアの契約をすることが一般的です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • boyinusa
  • ベストアンサー率58% (80/137)

I'm going to introduce my Canada house. When I came to Canada, I first lived with a host family. But I am sharing a house with other people(students) now. In Canada, most of international students are living with a host family or sharing a room. It is not very common to accept international students into a family or lend them one's own house as a share-house in Japan. But I was surprised to know there are a lot of people who work on these as a business in Canada. The host family I used to live with is Filipino, and they had a big house. I rent a room on the second floor in that house, and lived with the family. Host father was always kind to me. Host mother was good at cooking, and so I learned Filipino food from her. Of course there were several rules as a resident, but I enjoyed learning cultural differences there. As for a current house, I am living with 5 people including me. We are living in a share-house, nevertheless there are private room for each person and we share only kitchen, bathroom and living room. This is a furnished house and it has all electric equipments that we can use whenever we want. Each room has a key and we can protect our privacy. There is no rule in the house, but we have no problem because we are helping each other. I enjoy talking with my house-mates and cooking together. We all are very good friends and they are like my family. In Canada, it is typical to ask an owner directly when renting the house. Therefore, it is not difficult to rent the house itself, but you may need to be careful because sometime they don't have any written contracts. If making sure of that carefully, it can be a good opportunity to meet many people. I will enjoy the current life a lot. もう遅いかもしれませんが、参考までに。 補足として、もちろん通じる人もいますがホームステイやシェアメイトは和製英語になります。



回答頂きありがとうございます。 知人も伝えたところ内容が分かりとても喜んでいました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • love_pet2
  • ベストアンサー率21% (176/826)

J'introduis ma maison canadienne.J'ai fait l'homestay original qui est venu à Canada, mais habite maintenant dans la maison de la part.La plupart d'étudiants étrangers font homestay et une part de pièce au Canada.Ce n'était pas si populaire au Japon pour louer l'acceptation et.. de l'homestay comme une maison de la part, mais il y avait beaucoup de gens qui l'ont fait comme affaire et ont été surprises au Canada.Homestay devant ce vécue était en premier une grande maison seule de la famille Philippin.J'ai emprunté une pièce du deuxième étage et vivais avec une famille.L'hôte engendre toujours me prêté attention avec bonté et un plat était bon et la mère de l'hôte était capable de me dire le plat philippin.Aussi, il y avait des règles mais je pourrais sentir la différence dans la culture et être amusant.Je vis maintenant dans cinq personnes y compris moi dans la maison de la part.Chaque personne a même une pièce si je dis une part de pièce et utilise une cuisine et un autobus, en vivant en commun.Lorsque le mobilier a l'égal de l'appareil électrique avec matériel et l'aime, je peux l'utiliser.Parce que la pièce a la clef, le secret est suivi.Il n'y a pas la règle en particulier, mais il n'y a aucun problème parce que l'un l'autre coopère et vit.Je parle de l'un l'autre avec un compagnon de la part dans la maison et cuis ensemble.Les résidents sont très proches et sont l'existence comme la famille.Dans le cas d'une maison de la part, la plupart est la conversation face à face avec le propriétaire au Canada.Par conséquent je pourrais contracter facilement, mais feutre il parce qu'il y avait les cas sans un contrat si l'attention était nécessaire.La part de pièce pense que c'est dans une chance de rencontrer beaucoup de gens si j'égalise l'attention.Je veux aimer le présent environnement aussi dur que possible, aussi.


The house of my Canada is introduced. Although I was staying at the beginning which came to Canada, I live in share house now. In Canada, many of foreign students are doing homestay and room sharing. Although it was not so popular to have lent out acceptance and the owned house of a homestay as share house in Japan, many those who do it as business were surprised in Canada. The homestay place which lived first was the Filipino family's big house. I borrowed the room of the second floor, and was living with the family. Host ファザー always worried about my thing gently, and host Mother was good at cooking and taught me the Philippines food. Although there were also some rules, I was pleasant to have felt the difference in culture. At share house, it lives by five persons now including me. Room sharing has a room in each one, and it is sharing a kitchen, a bus, and living. Electric appliances are also assembled in equipment, and furniture can be used when you like. Since the key is also attached to the room, privacy is also protected. Since each is cooperating and living although there is no rule in particular, there is no problem. At home, a mutual thing is said as a share mate, or it cooks together. It is existence like [ residents and relations are good and ] a family. In the case of share house, in Canada, most is direct negotiation with an owner. Therefore, since there may be no contract although it can contract easily, it was thought that cautions were required. I think that room sharing will become a chance to meet many persons if careful. I would also like to enjoy the present environment as hard as possible. 英訳のサイトからですが?



長文にも関わらず回答ありがとうございます。 知人というのが外国人(簡単な日常の日本語しかわからない)なので 英訳サイト?でも文の意味が伝われば問題ないと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。



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