However, English is not the one in one country alone.
In fact, this English is used all over the world.
But, the opportunity to meet British English is of rare occurrence to me when I'm in Japan.
In addition, I suffer inconvenience from I can’t understand British English.
It is to understand British’s culture.
But, the opportunity to meet British English is of rare occurrence to me when I'm in Japan.
Even if I am the international class, the chance to meet British culture is of rare to me.
It can be recognized that there is a different culture.
But, if this goes on I may end to live without learning other culture in the culture of Japan.
ありがとうございました! イカスミダ!タコスミダ! Nappa valley の長野県! イカスミダ!タコスミダ!ニッカーン! ビートルズのひとりもマッシュルームヘア?そういえば。 最後、それおもしろい! ありがとすむにだ!ふぃーふぁ!