• ベストアンサー


何だかんだ言って、私は主治医に死期宣告されようと何だろうと、骨髄移植ドナーが現れるのをひたすら待ちます。あなたが好きだから、やっぱり死にたくないんです。 Believe or not, I would never give up waiting a bone marrow donor's offer even though my doctor told me how long my life last. It's because I love you and I dont want to die. 英会話教室で訳していただいた文章です。 日本語に沿う文章になっていると良いのですが・・・。 よろしくお願い致します。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Shimo-py
  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

回答…間に合うかな? ◆あなたの修正案で、問題はありませんよ。  「重荷」云々は確かに二度あり、ひとつにまとめたほうがすっきりしますね。(もとの英文の場合では、didn't want to ~ となっていますから、「~となることは本意ではなかった(けどそうなってしまう)」という含意をこめることはできます。でも、ひとつにしたほうが読みやすい)。 ◆○○さんは、もちろん Mr. +苗字で構いません。  もし、ふだんの呼び名があれば、それでもいいです。  ただし、「Mr.」というのは苗字にしか付けられませんので、ご注意を。 あなたの想いが、うまく届くといいですね。



メール、無事送信し終え、返信が来ました(日本語で)。 幾度とないご指導、本当にありがとうございました。 あなた様のご好意を忘れることはないでしょう。 「神との対話」という本を、ぜひ読んでみて下さい。 平成16年12月10日 rakurai



間に合いました! 今日、これを送信したら、お礼を書き込み締め切らせていただきます。 本当にありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (3)

  • Shimo-py
  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

補足、読みました。 そのとおりでOKです。 もしも「好きだ」という言葉が続く点が気になるようでしたら、※の一文(After all ~ love you.)を削除し、2つめの●印の文の一部に手を加えればいいでしょう。 念のため、前後を含めて引用しつつ修正すると、 Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. ●But I am still now waiting for a bone-marrow donor's offer. It does not matter to me whether my doctor tells me of my coming death. ●I don't want to die, because I still love you. I love you more than anybody else. I tried to forget about you, but I couldn't. (以下略) のようになります。 ◆あとひとつだけ、修正というか、補修というか、させてください。 I promise you not to say, "I'm sorry, Shoko, ... という箇所がありますね。 これ、別にこのままでも問題ないのですが、 より理想的な形に仕上げるには、 I promise you not to say any more, "I'm sorry, Shoko, ... のように、say と , (コンマ)の間に「 any more 」を入れたほうが自然です。日本語で「もうこれからは言わないと約束するね」とか「もうこれ以上「ごめんね」と言わないことにするね」と言うように、「これからは」とか「これ以上は」というニュアンスが出るからです。



すみません、最後の最後にお願いです。 Of course it would be an ideal if I could die without leaving any message after me. ※I didn't want to be a burden to you. But it is far from possible for me to accept my death in such a way. Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. (But) I am still now waiting for a bone-marrow donor's offer. It does not matter to me whether my doctor tells me of my coming death. ※を削除して、(But)を削除してもよろしいでしょうか。(文面的におかしくならないでしょうか?) 「あなたに負担をかけたくなかった。」という文章と、「生きている限り、あなたに対して重荷となりたい。」という文章両方があることに違和感を感じます。 いかが思われますか? 間に合えば、ということでご回答いただけると幸いです。 よろしくお願い致します。



以下、直しました。 こうですね? Happy birthday! First of all, I thank God for granting me I can live until your birthday in spite of troubles and difficulties. The book you've given me tells me how important gratitude is. Yes, it is the gratitude which you advised me to show instead of apology. And・・・ I feel something mysterious, for your birthday is the same as my late sister Shoko's. I have learned many things from you: your strong passion, profound emotion, great affection, warm heart and respectful attitude...these are all what you have shown me in my distress over my sister's death and my other experiences. I promise you not to say any more, "I'm sorry, Shoko, mom and dad, who are in deep sorrow even after death and cannot rest in peace". It is because you taught me that I should say to them "Thank you" instead. I have realized from the book "Kami tono taiwa" that God always gives me a hand wherever I go, whatever I do. I will never forget that you, too, have been with me like Him. Of course it would be an ideal if I could die without leaving any message after me. I didn't want to be a burden to you. But it is far from possible for me to accept my death in such a way. Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. But I am still now waiting for a bone-marrow donor's offer. It does not matter to me whether my doctor tells me of my coming death. I don't want to die, because I still love you. I love you more than anybody else. I tried to forget about you, but I couldn't. Not a single day passes without my thinking of you. My desire will be fulfilled if you wonder why I leave with you a letter like this. I want to be a burden to you as long as I am alive. I want to act as I wish. I want to rely on you more. Even if you are disgusted with me, I want to behave as I like. It is because I will be nothing if I die. It is the privilege of the living to love. I leave this with you because I want to impress myself on you as a clumsy, inept person. This letter is designed as such. (smile) I am happy that you read through my message. Thank you again, ○○さん. Best wishes, and with my sincere gratitude, A子. 幾度となくご回答いただき、本当にありがとうございました。 私も何とか彼の誕生日まで生きていられそうです。 明日、自分が生きていて送信し終えたら、お礼を書き込み締め切らせていただきます。 本当に本当にありがとうございました。 P.S.「○○さん」のところ、男性の場合、「Mr.苗字」で良かったでしょうか? またA子のところは私の下の名前だけでも良かったでしょうか?

  • Shimo-py
  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

◆もとの英文の修正すべき箇所と言えば、 (1)believe it or not は「信じられないかも知れませんが」の意味で、「なんだかんだ言って」と同じ意味ではありません。書き言葉においては、とくに相手のメッセージという意味では、この種の表現を英語に入れないほうが適切です。 (2)waiting a ... は waiting for a ... にしなければなりません。 (3)my life last ではなく、may life will last とします。 (4)dont は don't ですね。It's because I love you and I don't want to die. はそのままでも大丈夫なのですが、これは No. 1 さんのようにしたほうが論理的に明快でしょう。 ◆修正案としては、 But I am still now waiting for a bone-marrow donor's offer. It does not matter to me whether my doctor tells me of my coming death. I don't want to die, because I love you. 「しかし、私は骨髄ドナーさんからの提供を、今でも待ち続けているのです。医者が、死期について私に話をしようとも、私には関係ありません。私は死にたくないのです、あなたを愛しているから」 という英文が考えられます。 (1)~(4)の修正点を踏まえれば、元の英文で大丈夫ですので、この修正案は、あくまでご参考までに、記しておきます。適宜、取捨選択してください。 別に※を削除しなくても、★のところに挿入すれば、十分つながると思います。



度重なるご指導、本当にありがとうございます。 ※※の位置ではなく、※の位置に●を持ってくれば前後の文脈を変えずに良いと考えてよろしいでしょうか。 ●から※の文章に関して、「好きだ」という言葉が続きくどいかなと思っておりますが、大丈夫でしょうか。 恐縮ですが、教えてください。 よろしくお願い致します。 Happy birthday! First of all, I thank God for granting me I can live until your birthday in spite of troubles and difficulties. The book you've given me tells me how important gratitude is. Yes, it is the gratitude which you advised me to show instead of apology. And・・・ I feel something mysterious, for your birthday is the same as my late sister Shoko's. I have learned many things from you: your strong passion, profound emotion, great affection, warm heart and respectful attitude...these are all what you have shown me in my distress over my sister's death and my other experiences. I promise you not to say, "I'm sorry, Shoko, mom and dad, who are in deep sorrow even after death and cannot rest in peace". It is because you taught me that I should say to them "Thank you" instead. I have realized from the book "Kami tono taiwa" that God always gives me a hand wherever I go, whatever I do. I will never forget that you, too, have been with me like Him. Of course it would be an ideal if I could die without leaving any message after me. I didn't want to be a burden to you. But it is far from possible for me to accept my death in such a way. Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. ●But I am still now waiting for a bone-marrow donor's offer. It does not matter to me whether my doctor tells me of my coming death. ●I don't want to die, because I love you. I love you more than anybody else. ※After all I still love you. I tried to forget about you, but I couldn't. Not a single day passes without my thinking of you. My desire will be fulfilled if you wonder why I leave with you a letter like this. I want to be a burden to you as long as I am alive. I want to act as I wish. I want to rely on you more. ※※ Even if you are disgusted with me, I want to behave as I like. It is because I will be nothing if I die. It is the privilege of the living to love. I leave this with you because I want to impress myself on you as a clumsy, inept person. This letter is designed as such. (smile) I am happy that you read through my message. Thank you again, ○○さん. Best wishes, and with my sincere gratitude, A子.

  • kihama44
  • ベストアンサー率27% (3/11)

Believe or not =>Believe it or not itがあるのが辞書に載っている形です。口語はどうなのかわかりませんが。 how long my life last => ... lasts 三単現のsが付くと思います It's because I love you and I dont want to die. =>I don't want to die because I love you. で十分ではないでしょうか?それともこの文の中の because I love youの部分をIt ... thatの強調構文に当てはめると It's because I love you that I don't want to die. になるのではないでしょうか? 元のままだと「愛している」のと「死にたくない」ことが両方とも理由のように読めてしまいませんか?



英語には全く縁がないので、おっしゃっていることを解読するのに時間を費やしました。 何となく意味合いは分かったのですが、自分でどのように直したら良いかが分かりません(泣)。 再度ご回答願えるようでしたら、ぜひお願い致します。



以下の文章に※を削って、★を挿入するか、それとも★を※※の間に持っていこうかで悩んでおりますが、文体的にはいかがでしょうか。 ご回答いただけるようでしたら、そちらもお願い致します。 Happy birthday! First of all, I thank God for granting me I can live until your birthday in spite of troubles and difficulties. The book you've given me tells me how important gratitude is. Yes, it is the gratitude which you advised me to show instead of apology. And・・・ I feel something mysterious, for your birthday is the same as my late sister Shoko's. I have learned many things from you: your strong passion, profound emotion, great affection, warm heart and respectful attitude...these are all what you have shown me in my distress over my sister's death and my other experiences. I promise you not to say, "I'm sorry, Shoko, mom and dad, who are in deep sorrow even after death and cannot rest in peace". It is because you taught me that I should say to them "Thank you" instead. I have realized from the book "Kami tono taiwa" that God always gives me a hand wherever I go, whatever I do. I will never forget that you, too, have been with me like Him. Of course it would be an ideal if I could die without leaving any message after me. I didn't want to be a burden to you. But it is far from possible for me to accept my death in such a way. Looking death in the eye, you could not choose an ideal death. ★Believe or not, I would never give up waiting a bone marrow donor's offer even though my doctor told me how long my life last. ★It's because I love you and I dont want to die. I love you more than anybody else. ※After all I still love you. I tried to forget about you, but I couldn't. Not a single day passes without my thinking of you. My desire will be fulfilled if you wonder why I leave with you a letter like this. I want to be a burden to you as long as I am alive. I want to act as I wish. I want to rely on you more. ※※ Even if you are disgusted with me, I want to behave as I like. It is because I will be nothing if I die. It is the privilege of the living to love. I leave this with you because I want to impress myself on you as a clumsy, inept person. This letter is designed as such. (smile) I am happy that you read through my message. Thank you again, ○○さん. Best wishes, and with my sincere gratitude, A子.
