Struggling with Finances: What Should I Do with a Windfall?
Should I use the $20,000 windfall immediately to address our financial challenges or save it for the future?
Struggling with consistent employment and living conservatively, my husband and I received a $20,000 trust that was originally meant for college. I'm torn between using it to cover large expenses or blocking myself access to avoid temptation.
What should I do with a $20,000 windfall? Use it to address immediate financial challenges or save it and continue trying to become financially stable on our own?
I struggle with consistent employment, and my husband works retail. We live very conservatively and barely make ends meet. My mother (probably and justifiably assuming I’ve passed the point when I’m ever going to finish my degree) recently turned over to me the $20,000 trust she’d intended I use for college. I know from regrettable experience how quickly money can disappear into day-to-day expenses, and I don’t want the windfall to go to waste. There are also several large expenses that have been haunting us for a while that I could put the money toward (repairing and paying off the car, getting out of credit card debt, etc.). Should I use it immediately on something like that, sit on it and try to avoid using it as much as possible (knowing that it may be much diminished from one minor emergency after another), or block myself access to it completely to avoid the temptation and let it continue to accrue value while we keep on trying to become responsible, well-paid adults on our own?
1 justifiably assuming I’ve passed the point when I’m ever going to finish my degreeの和訳を教えてください。
2 trustという経済用語を簡単に説明してください。
3 ここでのsit onの意味を教えてください。
> probably and justifiably assuming I’ve passed the point when I’m ever going to finish my degree
pass a point ある段階を超える
finish one's degree → 学位を取得する → 卒業する
ここでの trust は trust bank なんかの trust のことでしょう。日本でも 「信託銀行」 とかありますね。まとまった資金を預けて、運用してもらうわけです。元金が保証されるわけではなくても、自分で運用するより楽という面がある。
sit on は、たとえば Longman の辞書を見ると "to delay dealing with something" とあります。つまり、「何かの処理を先延ばしにする」 という意味の表現。なお、その表現を含む文は少し長いですが、構造出来には Should I A, B or C? (A,B,C はそれぞれ動詞) となっています。