How to Deal with a Grandchild with Down Syndrome: Tips and Ideas
Spending quality time and showing love is key in connecting with your 12-year-old grandson with Down syndrome.
Every child, including those with special needs, needs validation and affection on their journey toward adulthood.
Discover tips and ideas on how to make your visit special and meaningful for your grandson with Down syndrome.
DEAR ABBY: We have three grandchildren and are due to make our annual visit. Two of the children are easy to plan for, and we have good relationships with them. The third is a 12-year-old boy with Down syndrome, and we struggle with how to deal with him -- what to do and what to buy him. Any ideas? -- UNSURE IN THE SOUTH
DEAR UNSURE: The most important thing you can bring with you on your visit is a heart filled with love, and the determination that your grandson will know you love him. Spending one-on-one time together would make him feel special. Every child needs validation and affection on their journey toward adulthood.