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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文法的に正しいでしょうか)

Breaking Up with a Boyfriend: Dealing with Lack of Affection

  • Breaking up with a boyfriend who lacks affection can be excruciating. Despite his positive qualities, such as being clean, polite, funny, and a great cook, his lack of emotional openness, physical affection, and initiative in sex have become unbearable. Despite expressing her needs and warning of a potential break-up, he made no effort to change. The decision to separate is driven by the belief that it will help him grow into a person she can be happy with. However, she still struggles with the idea of not having any contact at all and wonders if it's unreasonable to continue having dinner and outing together.
  • Breaking up with an affection-lacking boyfriend can be painful, especially when other aspects of the relationship are positive. Although he is clean, polite, funny, and a great cook, his emotional distance and lack of physical affection and sexual initiation have become too much to bear. Despite clear communication about her needs and the consequences of not addressing them, he showed no willingness to change. Thus, the decision to separate is driven by the hope that it will facilitate his personal growth. However, she still desires some level of contact and wonders if continuing to have occasional dinner dates or outings would be unreasonable.
  • Dealing with a lack of affection in a relationship can be heartbreaking, even when other aspects are satisfying. While her boyfriend is clean, polite, funny, and skilled in the kitchen, he lacks emotional openness, physical affection, and sexual initiation. Despite expressing her concerns and setting boundaries, he did not make an effort to meet her needs. Consequently, she believes that a temporary separation could help him mature and become a better partner. However, she finds it challenging to imagine completely cutting ties and wonders if continuing to share occasional meals or engage in outings would be unreasonable.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 #1です。補足です。  ここ or の使い方は、下記の1d にあたります。  https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/or




その他の回答 (2)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>or put his arm around meは「私に腕を回さない」で否定文ですよね? ⇒はい、put の前にdoesn’t が省略されていますからね。 >nor put his arm around meかor doesn't put his arm around meとはならないのでしょうか? ⇒それでもいいと思います。その場合は、heだけが省略されているという解釈になります。 >もし肯定文を続けたい場合はどうすれば良いのでしょうか? ⇒He doesn’t share much of himself emotionallyのあとに、 but he puts his arm around me as usual, and initiate sex. 「でも相変わらず私に腕を回したり、セックスを始めたりします」 のように言えばいいと思います。 >あと、making up stories about the animalsの意味も教えてください。 ⇒「動物について物語を作って(語ったりするのは不合理なことでしょうか?)」。




  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。or put his arm around meは「私に腕を回さない」で否定文ですよね?  はい、そうです。 2。nor put his arm around meかor doesn't put his arm around meとはならないのでしょうか?  まあガチガチに文法的にはそうなります。 3。もし肯定文を続けたい場合はどうすれば良いのでしょうか?  同じでいいです。主文が肯定なら否定がないかぎり、肯定です。主文が否定ならnor でも or でも否定です。 4。あと、making up stories about the animalsの意味も教えてください。  その(目の前にいる)動物について話を作り上げて遊ぶ(この恋人たちの、楽しい遊びなのでしょう)



