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British Yeomanry Charges and Victory in Huj

  • Advancing under cover, the British Yeomanry squadron successfully attacked the Turkish infantry and gun line.
  • The German and Austrian artillerymen tried to defend but many were stabbed by the swords of the attacking British.
  • The yeomanry captured prisoners, artillery guns, and machine guns, paving the way for the British forces to continue their advance.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Advancing under cover of the terrain they got to within 300 yd (270 m) of the position, drew their swords and charged. The Warwickshire Yeomanry squadron attacked the main force of Turkish infantry, then turned and attacked the gun line. The regiment's other half squadron and the Worcestershire Yeomanry squadron attacked the guns from the front, while the remaining troops attacked an infantry position located at the rear behind the main force. ⇒地形の援護を受けて進軍することによって、彼ら英国軍は陣地の300ヤード(270m)以内に到着し、剣を抜いて突撃した。ウォリックシャー・ヨーマンリー大隊はトルコ軍の歩兵の主要軍団を攻撃してから、向きを変えて銃砲線を攻撃した。連隊の他の半個大隊とウースターシャー・ヨーマンリー大隊は、前線から銃攻撃する一方、残留軍は、主要軍団の背後に設営された歩兵用陣地を攻撃した。 >The German and Austrian artillerymen carried on firing until the horsemen were around 20 yd (18 m) away then some took cover underneath their guns. Those who remained standing were mostly stabbed by the swords of the attacking British, while others running away from the guns escaped injury by lying on the ground. ⇒ドイツとオーストリア軍の砲手は、騎手が約20ヤード(18m)の距離に迫るまで射撃を続け、それから銃砲の下に身を隠した。そこに立ち続けた者は、たいてい攻撃する英国軍の剣によって突き刺された。他方、銃砲から逃げ去った者は、地面上を匍匐したことで負傷を免れた。 >Turkish heliograph section at Huj* ⇒フージのトルコ軍写真製版部門* *写真の説明? >The only officer of the Worcestershire Yeomanry to escape uninjured Lieutenant Mercer described the charge; "Machine guns and rifles opened up on us the moment we topped the rise behind which we had formed up. I remember thinking that the sound of crackling bullets was just like hailstorm on a iron-roofed building, so you may guess what the fusillade was.... A whole heap of men and horses went down twenty or thirty yards from the muzzles of the guns. The squadron broke into a few scattered horsemen at the guns and seemed to melt away completely. For a time I, at any rate, had the impression that I was the only man left alive. I was amazed to discover we were the victors". ⇒ウースターシャー・ヨーマンリーの負傷を免れた唯一の将校マーサー中将が、突撃のことをこう説明した。「我々が坂の背後で整列してそれを登りきった瞬間に機関銃とライフル射撃が始まった。私は、パチパチいう銃弾の音が、ちょうど鉄製屋根の建物に当たる嵐に似ていると思ったことを覚えている。従って、それは連続射撃であったものと推測してもよい…。人馬全体の塊が、銃口から20~30ヤードの下を進んだ。大隊は、銃撃に会って騎手らは少数に分散して、完全に消え去ったようであった。しばらくの間私は、とにかく私が唯一の生存者であるという印象を持った。私は、我々が勝利者であることを知って驚いた。」 >All three charges were successful and the main force of infantry withdrew leaving the guns undefended apart from their crews. The yeomanry captured seventy prisoners, eleven artillery guns and four machine guns. British casualties amounted to twenty-six men dead, including three squadron commanding officers, and forty wounded, 100 horses were also killed in the charge. The charge opened the way for the British forces to continue the advance, as it had destroyed the last of the Turkish strength south of the village of Huj which was captured later that day. No large groups of Turkish soldiers were cut off. However both British yeomanry regiments contingents were in no position to continue the pursuit of the withdrawing Turkish forces. ⇒3回の突撃すべてが成功し、歩兵隊の主要軍団が他の団員から離れて、銃を無防備なままにして退去した。ヨーマンリー隊は、70人の囚人、11門の銃砲、および4丁の機関銃を捕らえた。英国軍の死傷者数は、3人の大隊指揮官将校を含む26人の死者、40人の負傷者に上り、また、突撃で100頭の馬が殺された。この突撃で、フージ村南の最後のトルコ軍勢を破壊し、その日遅くに村も攻略したことで、英国軍が進軍を続けるための道が開かれた。トルコ軍兵士の大きいグループはまったく切り離されなかった。しかし、英国軍の両方のヨーマンリー連隊派遣団にとって、撤退するトルコ軍団の追跡を続けるための兵員は陣地にいなかった。




