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British Troops Advance in the Battle of Messines

  • In the Battle of Messines, British troops quickly advanced through the German front position, with Germans surrendering along the way.
  • The British infantry encountered dead, wounded, and stunned German soldiers in the areas of mine explosions.
  • Using pillbox fighting tactics and mopping up captured ground, the British troops overran the German forward zone in 35 minutes.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>The cuttings of the canal and railway were a warren of German dug-outs but the 47th Division, advancing close up to the creeping barrage, crossed the 300 yards (270 m) of the German front position in 15 minutes, German infantry surrendering along the way. Soft ground in the valley south of Mt. Sorrel, led the two infantry brigades of the 23rd Division to advance on either side up to the near crest of the ridge, arriving while the ground still shook from the mines at Hill 60. ⇒運河や鉄道の切通し(野山などを切り開いて造った通路)が、入り組んだドイツ軍の待避壕になっていたけれども、第47師団は、纏いつく集中攻撃の真近を進軍して、15分でドイツ軍前線陣地の300ヤード(270m)を横切った。道沿いのドイツ軍歩兵は降服した。モン・ソレル南の谷の柔らかい地面が、60番ヒル爆撃のために、まだ地揺れしている間に第23師団の2個歩兵旅団が到着して、尾根の両側から頂上近くへ向って進軍した。 >In the areas of the mine explosions, the British infantry found dead, wounded and stunned German soldiers. The attackers swept through the gaps in the German defences as Germans further back hurriedly withdrew. About 80,000 British troops advanced up the slope, helped by the creeping bombardment, which threw up lots of smoke and dust, blocking the view of the remaining German defenders. The barrage moved at 100 yards (91 m) in two minutes, which allowed the leading troops to rush or outflank German strong points and machine-gun nests. ⇒坑道爆発の地域では、英国軍の歩兵は死傷し、ドイツ軍の兵士は動転していた。攻撃隊はドイツ軍の防御施設の間隙を襲って一掃し、ドイツ軍は急遽さらに後方へ撤退した。約80,000人の英国軍隊が、纏いつく集中攻撃によって助けられつつ斜面上を進軍したが、その(集中攻撃の)砲撃はたくさんの煙と塵を放出して、残留ドイツ軍の防御隊の視野を妨げた。集中攻撃は、2分で100ヤード(91m)進展したが、そのおかげで、主要な先導軍にとってはドイツ軍の強化点や機関銃巣の急襲、あるいは、側面包囲が可能になった。 >Where the Germans were able to resist, they were engaged with rifle-grenades, Lewis guns and trench mortars, while riflemen and bombers worked behind them. Pillbox fighting tactics had been a great success at the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April and in training for the attack at Messines, the same methods were adopted along with emphasis on mopping-up captured ground, to ensure that bypassed German troops could not engage advancing troops from behind. ⇒ドイツ軍が抵抗できた所では、彼らはライフル手榴弾、ルイス銃、迫撃砲をもって交戦し、一方その後方ではライフル射手と爆破隊が活動していた。ピルボックス(砲座保護)の砲撃戦術は、4月の「ヴィミー・リッジの戦い」で大成功を収めたが、メッシネス(メシーヌ)での攻撃教練でも同じ方法が採用され、攻略地一掃の徹底をもって、迂回するドイツ軍が後から進軍する軍隊と交戦できなくすることを保証した。 >In the smoke and dust, direction was kept by compass and the German forward zone was easily overrun in the 35 minutes allotted, as was the Sonne line, half way to the German Höhen (second) line on the ridge. The two supporting battalions of the attacking brigades leap-frogged through, to advance to the second objective on the near crest of the ridge 500–800 yards (460–730 m) further on. ⇒煙と塵の中では、方向は羅針盤によって保持されて、ドイツ軍の前方地帯は、尾根上のドイツ運ホーヘン(第2)戦線への途中のゾンネ戦線ともども、割り当てられた35分間で簡単に蹂躙された。攻撃旅団を支援する2個大隊が、馬飛びをして500-800ヤード(460-730 m)先の尾根の頂上にある第2標的に向かって進軍した。




