• ベストアンサー


The Moroccan Division was repulsed on its extreme right but the Régiment de marche de la Légion étrangère (RMLE) gained a foothold in the fortifications at Le Golfe. To the north-east of Mont Haut, the advance reached a depth of 1.5 miles (2.4 km) and next day the advance was pressed beyond Mont Haut. Further west, the 34th Division took Mont Cornillet and Mont Blond and the 16th Division was repulsed at Bois de la Grille. The French spent 18 April consolidating but the 45th Division pushed up to the southern edge of Mont Haut. The "Monts" were held against a German counter-attack on 19 April, between Nauroy and Moronvilliers, by the 5th Division and 6th Division as Eingreif divisions, supported by the 23rd Division plus one regiment. Next day, the 33rd Division captured Le Téton and the capture of Aubérive was completed by the 24th Division and the Territorial battalions. On 20 April, French troops got onto the summit of Le Casque and on 22 April, the eastern and lower summit of Mont Haut was secured by the 45th Division. The Fourth Army attacks took 3,550 prisoners and 27 guns. German counter-attacks on 27 May had temporary success, before French counter-attacks recaptured ground around Mont Haut; lack of troops had forced the Germans into piecemeal attacks, instead of a simultaneous attack all along the front.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)

>The Moroccan Division was repulsed on its extreme right but the Régiment de marche de la Légion étrangère (RMLE) gained a foothold in the fortifications at Le Golfe. To the north-east of Mont Haut, the advance reached a depth of 1.5 miles (2.4 km) and next day the advance was pressed beyond Mont Haut. Further west, the 34th Division took Mont Cornillet and Mont Blond and the 16th Division was repulsed at Bois de la Grille. ⇒モロッコ師団は、その右翼の末端で撃退されたが、「国境警備連隊」(RMLE)が湾の防備強化地点に足場を得た。モン・オの北東部で、進軍隊が1.5マイル(2.4キロ)奥まで到達したが、その翌日、モン・オを越えたところでその進軍隊に圧力がかかった。その西寄りでは、第34師団がモン・コルニイェおよびモン・ブロンを奪取したが、第16師団はボワ・ド・グリーユで撃退された。 >The French spent 18 April consolidating but the 45th Division pushed up to the southern edge of Mont Haut. The "Monts" were held against a German counter-attack on 19 April, between Nauroy and Moronvilliers, by the 5th Division and 6th Division as Eingreif divisions, supported by the 23rd Division plus one regiment. ⇒フランス軍は、4月18日を陣地強化のために過ごしていたが、第45師団はモン・オの南端を目指して突き進んだ。ドイツ軍としては、4月19日、アイングライフ師団群としての第5、第6師団が、1個連隊を伴う第23師団の支援を受けて、ノーロイとモロンヴィイェールの間で反撃を行ったが、「モン」(山々)がこれを妨げていた。 >Next day, the 33rd Division captured Le Téton and the capture of Aubérive was completed by the 24th Division and the Territorial battalions. On 20 April, French troops got onto the summit of Le Casque and on 22 April, the eastern and lower summit of Mont Haut was secured by the 45th Division. ⇒次の日第33師団がル・テトンを攻略し、第24師団および領土大隊によるオーベリヴの攻略は完璧であった。4月20日、フランス軍隊はル・カスクの頂上に到達し、4月22日にはモン・オ東部の低い方の頂上が第45師団によって確保された。 >The Fourth Army attacks took 3,550 prisoners and 27 guns. German counter-attacks on 27 May had temporary success, before French counter-attacks recaptured ground around Mont Haut; lack of troops had forced the Germans into piecemeal attacks, instead of a simultaneous attack all along the front. ⇒第4方面軍の攻撃では、3,550人の囚人と27門の銃が捕縛された。フランス軍は反撃でモン・オ周辺の奪還を果たすが、その前の5月27日、ドイツ軍の反撃が一時的な成功を収めていた。(とはいえ)ドイツ軍は軍隊の不足のせいで、全前線に沿った同時攻撃の代わりに、小刻みな攻撃を余儀なくされていた。



