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Battle News: Birthday Celebration Leads to Deep Depression
- The news of the battle reached him during his 52nd birthday celebrations at his headquarters in Kreuznach. He wrote: 'I had looked forward to the expected offensive with confidence and was now deeply depressed'.
- Ludendorff immediately ordered reinforcements and replaced the chief of staff. Colonel Fritz von Lossberg took charge of restructuring the German defences.
- During the Second Phase, the Allies aimed to consolidate gains, maintain initiative, and break through with the French at Aisne.
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>The news of the battle reached him during his 52nd birthday celebrations at his headquarters in Kreuznach. He wrote: "I had looked forward to the expected offensive with confidence and was now deeply depressed". He telephoned each of his commanders and "gained the impression that the principles laid down by OHL* were sound but the whole art of leadership lies in applying them correctly". (A later court of inquiry would establish that Falkenhausen had indeed misunderstood the principles of defence in depth.) ⇒彼(ルーデンドルフ)の52回目の誕生日祝賀会の間に、戦いのニュースがクロイツナッハにある彼の本部に届いた。彼はこう書いた:「私は確信をもって期待できる攻撃を楽しみにしていたが、その時はひどく落胆した」。彼は各々の指揮官に電話をかけて言った。「OHL*によって設定された基本原則に欠陥はなかったが、しかし、すべての指導指揮の技術(の良し悪し)は、それを正しく適用するかどうかにかかっている、という印象を私は得ました」。(のちに調査委員会が、ファルケンハウゼンが戦陣の深部で、防御の原則を完全に誤解していたことを立証することになる。) *OHL:「ドイツ軍最高軍司令部」(Oberste Heeresleitung)。 >Ludendorff immediately ordered reinforcements. Then, on 11 April, he sacked General von Falkenhausen's chief of staff and replaced him with his defensive line expert, Colonel Fritz von Lossberg. Von Lossberg went armed with a vollmacht (a power of attorney enabling him to issue orders in Ludendorff's name), effectively replacing Falkenhausen. Within hours of arriving, Lossberg was restructuring the German defences. ⇒ルーデンドルフは、直ちに軍の強化を命じた。それから彼は、4月11日に、参謀長フォン・ファルケンハウゼン将軍を解任して、防御戦線の専門家フリッツ・フォン・ロスベルク大佐を入れ替えた。フォン・ロスベルクは、「委任権」(vollmacht、ルーデンドルフの名前で命令を出すことができる委任状)を備える立場に立って、効果的にファルケンハウゼンの代行を務めた。着任すること数時間のうちにロスベルクはドイツ防衛軍を再編成していた。 >During the Second Phase, the Allies continued to press the attack east of Arras. Their aims were to consolidate the gains made in the first days of the offensive; to keep the initiative and to break through in concert with the French at Aisne. ⇒第二段階の間、連合国軍はアラス東への攻撃で圧力をかけ続けた。彼らの狙いは、攻撃の最初の数日になされる獲得物を強化・確定すること、主導権を保ちつつフランス軍と協力してエーン戦を突破することであった。