• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Confusion and Chaos: Lost in the Darkness

  • During the war, morale was low and navigation in the dark led to soldiers getting lost.
  • Both British and German troops ended up in the wrong positions, resulting in several German soldiers being captured.
  • Dangerous conditions persisted in the artillery lines, with ammunition delivery under constant enemy fire.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Morale plummeted and moving about after dark led to working parties, runners, reliefs and ration parties getting lost and wandering around until exhausted. No man's land was not wired on this part of the front and British and German troops blundered into the wrong positions, Germans being taken prisoner on six occasions. ⇒士気は急落し、(日中の移動は自殺行為であるからといっても)日没後に動き回ることは、作業部隊、伝令、援軍、割当て配給係などが迷子になったり、倒れるまでほっつき歩くような事態に至った。この前線に接する中間地帯は鉄線の敷設がなく、英国軍もドイツ軍隊も、間違った位置に足を踏み入れることがあった。そして、6回の出来事でドイツ兵が捕虜になった。 >Some dug-outs in Regina Trench were usable but conditions in the artillery lines were as bad as the front line, with ammunition being delivered by pack horse under German artillery fire. "Elephant" shelters (the materials for which took ten men to carry forward and 24 hours to build) were placed in the front-line, sunk below trench and shell-hole parapets. Larger shelters were dug into the sides of roads further back and only a minimal number of troops kept in the front zone. ⇒「レジナ・トレンチ」(女王の塹壕)にある待避壕には使えるものがあったが、しかし、砲兵隊の戦線は前線同様に状況が悪く、弾薬はドイツ軍の砲火をくぐって駄馬によって届けられた。「ゾウ(巨大)」避難所(10人がかりで資材を運び、24時間かけて建造された)が最前線に設置されて、塹壕と砲弾痕の胸壁の下に沈められた。より大きな避難所がさらに後ろの道路脇に掘られて、軍隊の最小数だけが前線地帯に詰めていた。




