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Romanian High Command's Hope for Tutrakan Fortress

  • Despite reports of pessimism, the Romanian high command remained hopeful that the Tutrakan fortress would hold.
  • Attempts to assist Tutrakan were made, but the Romanian soldiers were defeated by the Bulgarian forces.
  • The Romanian soldiers suffered heavy casualties and many were captured during the failed attempts to assist Tutrakan.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Despite Teodorescu's pessimistic reports, the Romanian high command retained its hope that the fortress would hold until relieved by Romanian and Russian forces advancing from the east, or that the garrison would be able to break the encirclement and retreat to Silistra. ⇒テオドレスクの悲観的な報告にもかかわらず、ルーマニア軍の最高司令部は、東から進軍してくるルーマニア・ロシア軍団による救援があるまで要塞が持ち堪えるだろうという希望や、あるいはまた、守備隊が包囲軍を打ち破ってシリストラに退却することができるだろう、という希望を保有していた。 >On 3 September the first attempts to assist Tutrakan were made by the Romanian soldiers on the right wing of the Bulgarian Third Army, but they were defeated by the Bulgarian 1st Cavalry Division at the villages of Kochmar and Kara Pelit, where a brigade of the Romanian 19th suffered 654 killed or wounded and at least 700 captured. ⇒9月3日にツルトラカンを補助する最初の試みがブルガリア第3方面軍右翼のルーマニア兵によって行われたが、彼らはコチマール村およびカラ・ペリット村のブルガリア第1騎兵師団によって破られた。そこではルーマニア第19旅団の654人が死傷し、少なくとも700人が捕縛されるという被害を受けた。


