• 締切済み


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ORIGINS OF JAINISM In the nineteenth century, when the Jinist studies were in their infancy, scholars had expressed conflicting views about origin of Jainism. Wilson, Lassen and Weber had believed that Jainism represented one of the many sects of Buddhism. This erroneous view was founded on the striking similarities existing between some of the doctrines and practices of the Buddhists and the Jainas. On the other hand, Colebrooke, Prinsep and Stevenson had rightly believed that Jainism is older than Buddhism, though this belief was based on the wrong supposition of the identity of Indrabhûti Gautama, a disciple of Mahâvîra, with Siddhârtha Gautama. It was the merit of Euhler, Jacobi and Hoernle that they established that historical contemporaneity of Vardhamâna Mahâvîra and Sâkyamuni Buddha after making a comparative study of the Jaina and Buddhist canonical texts. Hermann Jacobi had the particular distinction of pointing out that Mahâvîra had some predecessors and that the Jaina church was older than the Buddha. The Jaina Tradition http://www.jainworld.com/JWEnglish/The%20Jaina%20Tradition.pdf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ジャイナ教のほうに Indrabhûti Gautama というのがいるようです。 詳しいことは私が知りたいので こういうのはどのように調べたらいいのでしょうか?


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