• 締切済み


マッシュルームをいれるのにビニール袋を1つ引き剥がしてくれる。 Plese [ mushrooms in / of those / off / one / plastic bags to / put / tear / these ]. 買うかどうか迷ったら、買ってはいけないよ。 If [ by it / buy something / , don't / not / oe not / sure / to / whether / you're ].


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

(1) 考え方: 引き剥がす = tear off ビニール袋を一つ = one (of those) plastic bag(s) マッシュルームを入れる = put mushrooms → Please tear off one of those plastic bags to put mushrooms in. (2) 考え方: 迷ったら = if you're not sure 買うかどうか = whether to buy (something) or not 買ってはいけないよ = don't buy it → If you're not sure whether to buy something or not, don't buy it.
